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Everything posted by boabie

  1. They share exact same headline stories, the Herald behind a paywall, so I'd think they have the same owner.
  2. You will not hear another word about the animals behaviour. By tomorrow it didn't happen.
  3. Was he booked after his second goal for deliberately diving into the manky ones behind the goal ?
  4. My own personal view of what King said is, it might take £30 million. It might take more. Nowhere did I read that King promised 30 million straight away. Yes we need investment for players, maintenance and more. But only a fool would throw that sort of cash right now at a business who's very ownership could and will be decided after a lengthy criminal trial where charges of fraud, conspiracy, deception and theft are under consideration. King will put his money where his mouth is. Of that I have no doubt. I don't blame him for not emptying his piggy bank right now though.
  5. In my opinion TB the fact that players are coming from leagues 1 or 2 in England should not mean their personal abilities should be discarded. Yes I'd love to see us sign top notch rated players with international reputations. But we just do not have that sort of cash. Even when we did we wasted a great deal of it too on some guys who quite simply disappointed. Man management also plays a good part in the success of a team. There are many examples of undertalented players becoming long time successes at clubs. We are where we are.
  6. "So what happened? The person in question was a lapsed member who had reapplied. In the lead up to the meeting, he had his membership application revoked by the board. Just in time, the board had ensured that he couldn’t attend and make his case. A relatively long list of fellow members who had backed his proposals, following the proper process, were denounced for not volunteering often enough. The previous viewpoint of the club in trying not to reject “awkward” fans, and the ethos of all members being equal was trampled upon. Furthermore, an important chance to discuss and use the democratic structure that the club offers had been missed. The fallout means one or two more members drifting away, an opportunity to firm up or clarify the clubs viewpoint on a number of important matters seemingly successfully deterred. " Sadly, isn't that just what always happens John ?
  7. Thanks for the info Ian. WM imo is perfectly correct to take the stand he has. I'm not sure if I posted it here but have certainly said it elsewhere, Rangers First and other similar schemes are fantastic ideas and prove the loyalty of our support. But my belief is that they should be there to act on behalf of the fans for the benefit of the club. There should be nobody with a direct involvement to Rangers anywhere near these bodies. We are supplying funding by whatever means and the only contact with the club should be when board members are called to account to explain their actions. If it is seen that the job is being done well our funding is released to them. I appreciate the hard work and time given by ordinary Rangers fans striving to make these schemes work and have no axe to grind with the current board. But it should always be remembered why we are giving our funding. Another great idea has been turned into a shambles and will undoubtably lend another weeks fantasy scribbling by the usual suspects.
  8. " In football terms they are nobodies and the SFA/SPFL will give them the time they deserve, which is none at all." Sorry BH but especially in the past decade or so Scottish football and indeed Scottish life has started to be ruled by evidence suplied by "nobodies". Speirs springs to mind straight away. Who would ever have thought that a guy with a pencil who has nothing more than an O'level and who struggles to know what side of a baw is up during a match would be called every time weighty matters affecting us all , would become some sort of expert. It wasn't so long ago that Rangers fans were being asked to attend meetings to listen to experts like Goodwin.
  9. All that said when one sentence on the lines of "Rangers were sold to a crowd of crooks who were allowed to run amok" would have done.
  10. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/dave-king-rangers-investors-put-5872484 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/32832070 http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/13276841.Dave_King____50m_needed_for_Rangers_to_match_Celtic/
  11. If we are of that age BH we all had those badges in our youth. It doesn't change the fact that the crests on the side of the main stand have never said anything but "Ready". Mr McElroy himself was largely responsible for keeping the myth of "Aye Ready" going up until just a few years ago.
  12. With the fans doing their best to support the club financially this is exactly the sort of shambles we should not be subjected to imo. Get it sorted guys. You're only providing ammo to rumourmongers and romancers to continue making up stories.
  13. Chris McLaughlin in full Rangers hating mode a few minutes ago on BBC Scotland news. It's unlikely the SPFL can do anything simply because they've let Rangers away with it a few times before is the line being spun. They even went back to UEFA fining us for the Osusuna match years ago. Nil By Mouth crawled out from under their rock to say they are still waiting to hear from the SPFL about the complaint Rangers faced last year. Anyone just landing would think there is a possibility of a concerted campaign being mounted here.
  14. Report on his performances so far. http://goonertalk.com/2016/01/06/video-gedion-zelalems-201516-assists-and-skills-for-rangers-so-far/?
  15. I apologise Bruno. The levity totally bypassed me. To the subject though mate, there are many thousands of Rangers fans who swear they saw "Aye Ready" on the stand crests. Not one has ever been able to show a photograph. As said, I thought that was on the crest until my dad told me to look at it in the early 60's. Some fans even come up with the fantastic theory that it got changed at some point in the early 60's and then changed back later. The date of the second change differs depending who you talk to though.
  16. Without wishing to become involved in an argument Bruno can I point out that you have just made a very very bold statement indeed. Scott can speak for himself and may do so soon. You know nothing whatsoever about me. However, to the subject - provide one photograph, any photograph showing the words "Aye Ready" on the main stand crests and you may regain a little credibility back. They were never there. There are old photos of Bill Struth showing the crest in the background. I had it pointed out to me by my dad around 1962 and have more or less attended Ibrox at every home match since that day. The crest showed the word "Ready".
  17. I will await with interest you providing photographic evidence to support that statement mate.
  18. Had Green kept all the shares to himself and made a deal with Ashley there would have been no problem. The minute he received money from a share issue and began what seems very much like acting against the interests of the other shareholders I would reckon everything is up for scrutiny and challenge. That's to say nothing about the alleged earlier conspiracy between Whyte, Green and D&P.
  19. " There are parallels with TBB here but of course the picture in Scotland is skewed by the SNP's Offensive Behaviour Act...one wonders whether it would stand up to scrutiny by a High Court or other such body should the situation escalate and arrests are ever made directly because of it? " The Rangers fan arrested at a match in Ayrshire a couple of years ago took his conviction to appeal. He lost there too.
  20. I have no love for the SFA Ian but the fault is squarely with David Murray. He let down every Rangers fan, shareholder and business associated with us when he entertained Whyte. Murray and the rest of the Rangers board should have done the digging on that sleazy ratbag.
  21. Given the scale of sentences some are facing if found guilty I would think there is little chance of guilty pleas mate. There will be some who will be called as prosecution witnesses in return for not facing charges themselves imo.
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