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Posts posted by boabie

  1. " The SFA have revealed which of the Scottish Cup quarter final fixtures will be broadcast live.

    Celtic vs Morton will take place at 12pm on Saturday March 3 live on Sky while Rangers' game against Falkirk will be on Sunday March 4 with a 4.15pm kick-off.

    BBC have selected the game between Hearts and Motherwell for their game, which will take place at 2.15pm on Sunday March 4. "


    No sheepie game being televised.               :wanker:

    All those diehard fans who clamour for cup final tickets will now have to actually attend a match if they want to see their team.


  2. 2 hours ago, Bluedell said:

    It's going on wages. Their payroll costs were over £52m last season compared to ours being £17.5m.


    Three times as much!


    Kinda puts Murray's "For every £5...." promise to shame

    Their financial figures showed a profit of over £20 m BD.

    I posted them on here a few weeks ago.

    Runs in europe are keeping them going. As well as flogging anybody they can.

  3. You have to wonder - why bother ?



    " A 19-year-old Rangers supporter who ran onto the snowy Somerset Park pitch on Sunday was the only fan arrested among the 9346-strong crowd.

    He ran on from the Railway End as Rangers celebrated their sixth goal in the 6-1 Scottish Cup victory.

    Police confirmed the teenager was arrested under the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act and was due to appear in court.

    Rangers ace Kenny Miller helped Somerset stewards get him off the pitch. "



  4. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Every club has idiots.  Having one running the club's official Twitter account is something else though.


    Although I don't think this particular tweet is that bad.  Football wouldn't be football without a bit of banter.

    But it's constant obsession mate. 

    Their Twitter account, their supporters rep who hasn't a clue how his own team is doing because of his concentrating on Rangers and the thousands of online bloggers who make a living by talking constantly about Rangers.

    Kiddyfiddler St forum is now onto yet another thread running into thousands of pages of Rangers garbage.

    "Banter" is the last thing happening here.

    Remember their DJ playing "Tulips From Amsterdam" at half time at one of their Saturday home league games when we'd been eliminated from Europe ?

    It's been going on for years and years and should be challenged at every turn.

    Those obsessed bastards don't have banter. Everything is serious to them. That's why they spend so much time watching our games - to give them another thing to complain about.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Gazza_8 said:
    6 hours ago, compo said:
    The lad gets booed  he gives a bit back , what's wrong with that in my day we called it banter. 

    Fans are hypocrites. They give out pelters but get all offended when they get it back.

    Not in my day they didn't mate. This is a recent thing that's crept into the game.

    As said earlier, most of those shouting about Windass were doing so while the game was still under way.

    In my experience the ones with the loudest online voices are those who do plenty of speaking and the minimum of paying to attend.

  6. 16 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

    Latest RAJAR figures popped into my in-box this afternoon.


    BBC Radio Scotland's latest figures are 100,000 down from last year's. Pacific Quay will ignore such a calamitous loss of listeners in a calendar year. They are correct and we are wrong.


    It's like the Herald. In the year 2000, after a dozen years of Harry Reid's Editorship, the blatt's daily circulation was just over 115,000. Then, we had five years of Mark Douglas Home as Editor, and two Deputy Editors, Joan McAlpine(now a SNP MSP) and former Sellik View Editor, Kevin Mckenna. That particular triumvirate took just five years to reduce daily circulation to under 45,000. 





    I was a Herald reader and bought it mainly for the crossword for many many years but gave up when Speirs was given rein to have his lies and distorted views published on a regular basis.

    Around a year later a guy came to my door offering a week of free Heralds delivered to my door. I explained exactly why I'd stopped buying it. The guy told me he'd had the same response at several doors.

    I wouldn't use it as toilet paper nowadays.

    Same as every other newspaper in this country.

  7. 1 minute ago, compo said:

    Please someone explain this in

    Simple terms 

    Whytes company tried to get money from the company involved in Rangers liquidation. He was asked for proof he was owed money and refused to hand over any paperwork. He lost his claim. He appealed. This court has said, aye you may be owed money. But you'll have to hand over paperwork to support your claim.

    This will be the last we'll hear of his claim.

  8. 1 hour ago, forlanssister said:

    I don't think it does either of those things at all.

    You probably have more idea of these financial things than I do. Suggestions on the dark side are that Close are 1 star rated ie an expensive option and that any loan will be secured on property.

    The "cold shoulder" thing and Close giving us facilities has caused some consternation over there as that was their latest big thing to see us go under. 

    Which is nice.                         :wanker:

  9. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Sounds like good news but I await Phil McMadeupname's take on it before rejoicing.  


    Does anyone have a spare tin foil hat?

    That leeching parasite and his pal , the tramp liar beggar JJ will no doubt be spinning a line about King getting ready to bail out.

    McGobblegiver has just lost his "no credit line or banking facility" mantra he throws out 6 or 7 times a week for the benefit of the deluded hordes. 

  10. 9 hours ago, RANGERRAB said:

    Ashley has never been in Ibrox as far as I know. I doubt he ever will be so I wouldn't worry about it

    I meant , ever involved in any way with Rangers mate.

    He is a sewer rat and nowhere near good enough to be associated with our club.

    The days of having folk like him involved are over.

  11. Over the years I've met Ally a few times and always thought he was a pleasant, decent human being and a good Rangers supporter.

    Now I think I'd cross the road to avoid him. 

    If Ashley is ever in Ibrox again I won't be back ever.

  12. Nice post baxterboy. It sums up my thoughts on what happened and how we got to where we are now. Some who possess more youth than I do maybe don't understand how things were in the past and I've had many discussions with them over the years.

    Imo the changes began when Ireland erupted. The divide between the supports had always been there but apart from the few zealots on both sides, the phrase 90 minute bigot  was probably correct. But that phrase only came later when instead of recognising thousands of hard working men blowing off steam for an hour and a half a couple of times a year, the mock offended complained about the language and songs being used.

    Ireland changed all that. I began to notice more union flags than saltires at Ibrox. Something I never thought I'd see. I remember driving home from Wembley with my dad in 1965. Various folk were hitch-hiking back up the road but I kept saying, nah when dad asked if we should pick them up. We approached a roundabout on the outskirts of London where 3 men were standing. Dad said, what about them ? I was about to say no when one of the guys pulled out and began waving a Rangers scarf. We dropped them off at Rutherglen after they'd bought our dinner and left a load of change in my hand.

    The union flag was something the English waved when their team played. Not now though. Civil war across the water changed it all in my opinion.

  13. 9 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Some of the songs and flags sung and flown at every Rangers match suggest there are many who feel otherwise.  Your 'bear' comment is a bit odd - why the inverted commas?  


    I have no problem with wearing green, eating green vegetables, watching Father Ted or listening to Rory Gallagher, for the record.  

    I'd suspect most of the folk joining in on the singing are doing what I've done since first going to Ibrox - joining in on the atmosphere while watching the team I love playing football. It's called entertainment, just like shouting look behind you at a panto.

    I have sang and will continue to do that.

    I'm a Rangers fan and that's all. How my politics or religious views go are my business and nobody elses. 

    You're right, "many" are not like me. It doesn't make them or me wrong though.

    I've been in the company of some of those ubers both at matches here and abroad. More often than I'd prefer  tbh.

  14. 1 hour ago, pete said:

    To be honest though I would say 80+% of Celtic supporters are just the same as us  just supporting their team. It is unfair for us to think that we can be staunch but Celtic supporters can't be for their team. When I come back on holiday then I stay with my brother-in law who is a mad Celtic supporter as are all his family. He was even at their convention in LA this year. Yes we rib each other and when I put on my Rangers scarf to go to a game he always says "Hey get that oot ma hoose" I know if I got into a fight with Celtic supporters in a pub that he would be standing by my side. there really are a lot of good ( misled:D) guys around and a smaller number of idiots that our support also has.

    I'm afraid I'd have to disagree about their support Pete. Especially nowadays.

    Since the days of Stein that mob have been drip fed poison until it has now reached the stage where I refuse to get involved in discussions with any of them about anything.

    Experience recently has shown me they are incapable of engaging in reasonable chat about football without going off at tangents and bringing history into things. Naturally they don't want to talk about their own clubs history.

    I post the above having had a senior sellik supporters rep as an uncle back in the mid 60's and my late mothers side of the family, hundreds of them, all regularly wearing green and grey. My sister unfortunately married one of the more twisted bastards who is very popular among the online deluded.

    Our support has some idiots. There's something in the pies at the Paedodome that does something to every saddo who goes there for home games. That includes their players and everybody connected to that club. 

  15. 6 hours ago, ian1964 said:

    The real reason C****c fans wanted it banned is because it such a stirring song!, it sounds terrific, nothing to do with them pretending to be offended!, they wanted it banned because they hate it!, nothing to do with sectarianism!.

    All they did after it was banned was complain about every other song we sing.

    Ill Phil had us singing the Famine Song until I pointed out to him that it was Four Lads Had A Dream.

    These people are diseased. They hate every single thing about Rangers.

    Once everything was wiped out they'd be lobbying for our colours to be changed as they found blue offensive.

    It'll never stop and Rangers should have drawn a line in the sand years ago and said, no more.

  16. 19 minutes ago, ian1964 said:


    This from the guy who has consistently for the past several years predicted that Rangers were a day from a second admin.

    He got handed a load of stolen details from a pal in the tax office . From that he switched from a beggar blogger to a mank expert.

    Give it up loser. Nobody of any worth has had anything of any worth to tell you for years now.

  17. 3 hours ago, craig said:



    My younger brother is mentally handicapped and I have sat behind someone at Ibrox who has referred to my brother as a "full mongo".  Fucking disgusting if you ask me.  People don't decide to be handicapped.


    Those who use such words should consider the impact that they have.  I do admit that given it personally affects me and can be seen as "sour grapes" I try to refrain from getting involved in such discussion.


    But thank you Andy... for posting what I was thinking :thup:

    I take it you've never seen the movie Blazing Saddles mate ?

    I know how to spell so deliberately used that word.

    I suspect you are referring to another one previously in common usage and which could be seen in these times as a slur. I assure you I meant no offence to anyone here and would never refer in a derogatory fashion to anyone who is handicapped. Not when I have family in that position.

    The manks are a bunch of mongos and I make no apology for that statement.

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