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Posts posted by boabie

  1. 9 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I don't know how you can look? I expect them to get a lucky away goal that'll sneak them through. I won't revel until it's over.

    I'm not "looking" mate. Have you ever seen what tv on a Thursday is like ? My wife does a backshift every Thursday and I'm pottering about with the radio on in the background.

  2. 1 hour ago, DMAA said:

    His last updated tweet, is he correcting himself to saying that we played away 3 times 8 times out of 12??

    And Celtic only once in 12 seasons?

    I don't know how to view tweets but those figures certainly fit in with my recollection of what had been happening for years.

  3. 3 hours ago, Gaffer said:

    But what's the answer?


    My preference is to go to a bigger league and play each other twice.  I think it would help develop younger players, but I can understand many clubs want Rangers to visit them twice each year for the additional revenue.  So, would you prefer a small number of teams, or fewer games against Celtic, etc?

    We already had playing each other twice in an 18 team league. Nobody was interested in Rangers v bottom of the league. Nowadays they couldn't sell the match to tv.

    4 games in a top 10 or 12 won't work either, simply because the rules say they have to show the odd match involving 6th against 8th and we end up with the 3 at home/away conundrum. In saying that, international football was formerly in the mix and we had short seasons. Now our national side couldn't beat the Maryhill Stanklifters so won't qualify for anything.

    TV want as many Rangers Celtic games as possible and really aren't caring about the rest.

    Given the diddies running our football here I've no doubt they'd make an erse of selling that as well.

  4. The Record view that I posted on another thread was that Rangers played games away post-split but also played home matches post-split.      :confused:

    I prefer to look over the years at how they always conspired to have us play 3 times away at the more difficult parks.

    Before our drop into the basement it happened every year is my memory of how it worked.

  5. Sensational headline from the Record --


    " SPFL face post-split fixture chaos as Rangers have already played rest of top six at home twice. "


    CHAOS ? !!  They then go on to explain the history of the league -


    " The SPFL are facing a post-split fixture headache if the top six remains as is.

    Rangers will have played all five of their rivals in the top half of the Premiership twice at Ibrox this season.

    But Graeme Murty’s side will be due two home 
games after the split, which could force two teams to make a third trip to Govan.

    The SPFL almost certainly won’t have an imbalance in the Old Firm derby meetings while Aberdeen would be outraged at the prospect of another Gers away game as they battle for second place.

    As it stands that would leave Hearts, Kilmarnock and Hibs facing the prospect of a third Ibrox clash with the latter two the lowest ranked based on their final position last season.

    Former Rangers boss Walter Smith hit out at the SPL in 2010, claiming the club had suffered a decade of unfair treatment when it came to post-split fixtures. "


    Then comes the "excuser" --


    "On seven occasions in the first 10 years of the format Gers played a top-six club away from home three times and only once at home, although in two of those seasons it was balanced out with three home games against another side."         


    Yeh, which home games against which sides ?



  6. 32 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Because we gained two points on Celtc yesterday?  Or McLeish got the Scotland job?  Or the Scottish sports hacks have a weekly anti-Rangers quota and this was an easy one to start off the week?

    We gained 2 points advantage because the manks are concentrating on winning the UEFA cup. Despite having a multi-billion pound squad they decided to play reserves and injury recovering players.

    McLeish got the Scotland job through the Freemason cabal running Scottish football.

    Comone Gonzo. Get with the script. The manks are already on board.

  7. On 2/18/2018 at 17:23, 26th of foot said:



    I heard BBC Radio Scotland's full commentary today and was perplexed by some of Rob McLean, Derek Ferguson, and Billy Dodds contributions. We expect nonsense from McLean, and  Derek's boy was in the Acas midfield. However, Billy Dodds  is trying too hard to please his paymasters. Three points I had to check out on the highlights :


    1. Windass scores his first goal but Billy doesn't want to credit him, it's an own goal from the Acas keeper.


    2. The other two are undecided on the merits of Acas penalty; not Billy, it's a penalty and Martin deserves a caution because, "he makes a habit of leaving his arm in the air". 


    3. Only one of Rangers goals is deserving, as the other four were direct from Acas errors.


    Billy, I know you utilised your Sunday broadsheet column to inform the readership, "I no longer consider myself to be a Rangers supporter". I know you are a recipient of an EBT and at PQ, that makes you a moral leper. They are NOT going to love or respect you, climbing into Spiers clothes to be the latest useful idiot demeans both yourself and what's left of the listenership.

    To be fair, all said Hamilton should not have been awarded a penalty.

  8. 20 hours ago, MacK1950 said:

    It was Windass's shot completely miss-handled by the keeper so should be attributed to Windass,similar to that by Candeias a few games ago IMO.

    The shot was on target and the keeper failed to keep it from crossing the line. Same as any other shot a keeper gets a hand to - the scorer gets the credit.

    Windass scored imo.

  9. I don't see the problem here. Paying off leeches like Ashley and sorting out the mess left by dumplings like Warburton and Pedro were always going to affect our finances.

    I could see there being something worth looking into if it was King or the other shareholders who were draining cash from the club.

    We have improved as a football side and I'm confident the club as a whole will also do similar.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    I think that you've picked up the thread wrongly? Yes, the stadium that the fans are in is Celtic Park.


    It's the picture of the stadium on the banner that's in question. There's a circle round it in the picture.

    Got you mate. 

    You're correct. I picked it up wrongly.

    From the position of the other landmarks on the banner it can only be Ibrox imo.


  11. 1 hour ago, StuGers said:

    Just had a look, it definitely looks more like Ibrox than their dump. 


    The “glass” section goes all the way up to the top of the stadium (as does Ibrox). Their stadium (bloody hell, I know why it is called the Meccanodome now) doesn’t really have that feature at all, and the weird wee section that does stick out is only half the height of the rest of the stadium.


    Again though, their stadium really is an ugly heap isn’t it!?

    Stu, it looks to me that the top stand has a bend in it at the left of the picture. I can't think of any part of Ibrox that bends. 

  12. It really depresses me when I see fading players like Davis or Miller getting handed new contracts.

    They did us a turn and for that I thank them.

    But they have no sell on value. We'd be paying top dollar for "experience" and nothing else . Neither of them at their current age will win us a league title or make a difference in Europe.

    When they finally hang up their boots a space is perceived to be left.

    When we went to the bottom division we should have signed 30 youths aged 16 and stuck with them. One or two diamonds would have been turned up with the correct coaching.

  13. 1 hour ago, colinstein said:

    still not sure what his "previous" injury was. He went to somewhere in England (was it Lilleshall?)  for treatment for something. Wasn't there a Liverpool player who had back problems and they solved it by removing teeth !.....am I havering ?

    I spent nearly 6 months in hospital suffering from osteomyelitis [dermatitis of the bone] in my leg. At one point they considered/recommended  removing my teeth.                :confused:

  14. 2 hours ago, pete said:

    Due to financial troubles I think they have cut right back. They have dropped their academy to go for picking up players discarded from other teams. That puts huge pressure on the scouting system so they will have to be top notch there or they will go down hill quickly.

    They will field a team of hammer-throwers and hope the referee allows them head to clog out a result.

    Given the current load of chancers wearing umpire shirts I wouldn't bet against it. 

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