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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. Not true, I'm certainly not basing my opinion on hope. I'm basing it on the list of diabolical decisions made by the current regime and their inability to move the club forward. I have no issue with people who don't want to see investment, I wish those who don't offered the same to those who do. But pray tell, why are they having to prop the club up? It wouldn't have anything to do with a catalogue of woeful decision making by them? Or was it a big boy that done it and ran away? If the current regime offered a business plan that showed me how they were going to improve us, detail where the revenue was coming from, I'm sure I could get behind them. They won't, they can't - they're a busted flush.
  2. Any takeover or investment has its unknowns, don't think anyone is saying any different, you just continue to not understand what people are saying. The status quo is known, its been on record for over a decade. If sticking with the status quo scares you less than going with a new investor, then fine, nothing will change your opinion. We have 2 options here, stick with the regime that has taken us to the brink of not being able to operate / function as a club, or we take this (or another) investment. In my humble opinion, sticking with the current regime is now no longer an option. All we can do is research these investors and make up our own minds. I've listened to a few podcasts and spoken to Leeds fans and what I've read / heard is all positive. At least you've moved on from magic beans and monopoly money to personal insults, like our current board, you're regressing alarmingly.
  3. Should they be more cautious of sticking with the status quo? There is no alternative, we can't stick with what we have.
  4. Yip, and some would still stick with this rather than attempt to move the club forward. A lot of bluster to talk down a potential improvement so we're stuck with a failing, faltering and useless board. One has to wonder what their motives are.
  5. The inconvenient truth for those still unwilling to take a leap of faith is that not taking the leap is no longer an option. If we stick with the status quo, the club goes nowhere other than backwards and it'll accelerate alarmingly. We've been badly run since the days of Sir Duped, so many costly errors, terrible recruitment decisions, horrific financial decisions. The current regime (plus King) saved us from the spivs but did anyone really think they were the correct people to take us forward medium to long-term? If we stick we're finished, if we twist, who knows......
  6. Yeah, I was the same but having spoken to a few Leeds lads I know and then listening to this, I'm starting to get onboard with this.
  7. Oh, it'll not last long 😬😁
  8. Great gesture if true. Anyway, he's away, the investment / takeover is underway and hopefully a new, exciting and successful period in our history about to start.
  9. The huge unanswered question is where did the board find the magic beans and monopoly money to sack Clement? Maybe the non-existent investors helped them out? Yellow card incoming and accepted with glee @Rousseau..........😬
  10. With The Thornlie Boys blasting.
  11. Just seen the UBs banner for Wednesday
  12. How many strikers we starting with on Wednesday Barry?
  13. Very good podcast - well worth watching
  14. If in the 10 short weeks he is in charge, all does is instill a bit of the below into the squad, it will have been a worthwhile exercise. Been missing since Gerrard left.
  15. None of the above.
  16. I'd have made Tav player manager and Dessers as player assistant manager. Just for shits, giggles and triggers.........
  17. Anyway, the main objective has been reached. Clement has been removed (6 months to late) and all going well, we'll have regime change by the end of the season.
  18. At least the nights out will be good.
  19. I don't think it really matters who I want - from what I'm hearing the new investors already have a short-list drawn up and they all have / are EPL management experience. Ideally it'll be a manager who has a clear footballing identity / system, who gets the players fit and hungry.
  20. So who is responsible for picking Clement's replacement? Given the rumoured "investment", it has to be a temporary appointment, no?
  21. Didn't we just hire an assistant manager on a long contract who has expressed interest at becoming a manager?
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