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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. What, the GersNet lady-boys... Cammy F
  2. Great idea - we could sell tickets GersFem and Lynds could walk around the ring with the boards telling everyone what round it is Cammy F - Ding, Ding Round 1 Loyal RSC
  3. Can't believe I lost out to you on that one - note to self - must try harder Cammy F - Come And Have A Go If You Think You're Hard Enough Loyal RSC
  4. Hit the nail on the head Craig... And as yourself and Gribz have said, Argentina have upped the stakes - I would say they have been the most immpressive so far. Cammy F
  5. CammyF


    A great award for our captain for his services to football and charity. Well done Fergie Cammy F
  6. CammyF


    Gribz, the English fans are only responding to the Scotland fans. I am ashamed to say that Scotland fans BOOED GSTQ, so why shouldn't the English BOO FOS? (maybe they don't like folk music ). England fans only really started singing songs about Scotland a few years ago - its a recent fad and maybe to do with the English finally finding some degree of national (with a small n) pride. Agreed and I would hope that if Scottish commentators were braodcasting to a UK audience, they would still be pro-Scottish. I don't have a problem with them being pro-English, thay are English after all.....! Cammy F
  7. CammyF


    What? They are ENGLISH, commentating on ENGLAND games - get over it.... Cammy F
  8. Nope, not really - Spain played a Ukrane team that didn't look at the races - if Spain continue in this form, then I might change my mind. Most teams I've watched have looked good in parts, but no team has put on a complete 90 minutes, or looked good over the course of two games. To win the WC you have to play well consistantly and no team has done this so far IMO. Cammy F
  9. Miko and Oleg - the modern day Alex McDonald and Sandy Jardine Cammy F
  10. Well, I'ms till struggling to pick a winner - not one team has really impressed me as yet... Cammy F
  11. Good luck Miko, I think you'll need it Cammy F
  12. CammyF


    Honestly, I must only meet the 'decent' English or ones that tell lies. I don't think I've ever met an English person whom I would call Anti-Scottish. Sure, a few of them give me a ribbing about being Scottish but I wouldn't expect anything else. All the English people I know (friends, family, work-mates, people on holiday) are all very decent and all have good things to say about Scotland, the Scottish people and the ones interested in sports, or sports teams. Off course, when Scotland meet England they all want England to win - that is obvious. As for the English media, who are we to complain about media. Its hardly like we have the most ballances, unbiased madia. Cammy F
  13. CammyF


    I think you would - know a few personally who love to see Scotland doing well Cammy F
  14. Can't believe I read that - do you remember the reason why the Tories came to dominate British Politics in the late 70's early 80's? Do you remember the 3 day week, rubbish not being lifted from the streets, rats infesting our neighbourhoods, black-outs etc all brought about by the LABOUR party shafting the British and Scottish people.... Also, look back your history, it is not that long ago that the Tories were the popular party in Scotland who held the 'majority'. You could also say that Labour 'sold out' the Scottish working class when they picked the IRA as bed-partners. It was Labour MP's who invited Gerry Adams to Glasgow and it was the Labour party who freed terrorist who had MURDERED Scottish soldiers under the Good Friday Agreement. It was also Labour who invited convicted terrorits into Downing Street, paid them expenses and gave them £100K for 'offices'..... Never said they would, just pointed out that there was a link between Rangers and the Church. As well as Church and OO conventions at Ibrox, the BB's used Ibrox on regular occassions. When in our history didn't we sign Catholics? If it was that long a period, you'll be able to tell me when this policy started and when it stopped. IIRC, John Spencer was signed before Bonny Ginzburg, our first Jewish player.... What....????? Only having board members from the Catholic relgion isn't sectarian - then what is it? They decided that ONLY Catholics could become board members, if that ain't sectarian, I don't know whay is. How does it suggest otherwise? Rangers have records that the board took a Unionist viewpoint and Ibrox was regularly used by 'Presbyterian' groups. Cammy F
  15. .... and the lovely Gabby... Cammy F
  16. Did I hear the 'pundits' during the England game say that Australia are the only Commonwealth country to beat England? When did Scotland, Wales and NI get thrown out the commonwealth? W@nks... Cammy F
  17. Gone on the Ecuadorians - 2 wins on the trot, thro to the next round and that'll teach those pesky costa-ricians to beat Scotland Cammy F
  18. Must be one of the worst World Cups in a long time. No team has looked 'unbeatable' and the first team to find its form could go all the way. Cammy F
  19. Aye, but if he doesn't start defending our club these new players and manager will be playing in the fuckin Unibond League... Notice DM is quick to defend his pal Bain but won't utter a word in defence of the club, us the fans and worst of all, the dead Rangers fans who get abused in print and at games. Murray grow a back bone of fuck off, Cammy F
  20. Easy 3 points for England and I just hope Big Marv doesn't get ripped at this game, if he is playing. Cammy F
  21. Murray Murray Defend Our Club Murray, Defend Our Club.. Cammy F
  22. Hey man - don't knock it till you try it Cammy F
  23. Frankie, give us a shout when you are booking your tickets and I'll book mine - think there is only me and the Mrs going, tying to convince others to join us Cammy F
  24. Thats what I am advocating Davy. Read my post again - I am urging Rangers fans to join in when TBO sing Blue Sea Of Ibrox, Every Other Saturday etc. What I said was that the rest of Ibrox ONLY join in when the old battle hymns are sung Cammy F
  25. Same stroy on the back page of todays Sun. Cammy F
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