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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. How, looks like he's had a few deep fried pizzas recently..... Cammy F
  2. If you go to Scotland games and behave like this, then yes it does describe you and your mates. Just like if you or I went to Rangers games draped in England flags, drunk buckie and sang then your description would describe us. Just like the members of the TA who act all 'little-scotlander' at Scotland games thinking it makes them better Scots than you or I. Or the member of the TA who sing racist anti-English songs (oh, and they do) which they believe makes them more Scottish than you or me. Or the members of the TA who display anti-Britishness as they think this makes them more Scottish than you or me. Gribz, my whole arguement, which dispite yours and Calscots best efforts to ridicule is that ALL nations, ALL clubs and ALL societies have their ills and people that they can do without. No club, no nation or no society has the monopoly on these cretins - they exsist everywhere and they are as aparent in Scotland as they are anywhere else in this world. Unfortunately, and bringing this topic back full circle, the vile, repugnent racist attacks on a 7 year old boy and a diasabled man show this more than 101 replies and 5 topics could ever display the anti-English bile that is rife in modern day Scotland... Cammy F
  3. What, and spend OUR money on players instead of using it to pay of the debt HE created. Come on Gribz, this is David E (Liar) Murray we are talking about here. BTW Davie Boy, we are still awaitng these great financial deals you were 'promising' us.... Cammy F
  4. Shouldn't this be a 'poll'... Cammy F
  5. Where I have EVER said there isn't? That is the difference Gribz - I know Rangers have an element that we can do without, I know England have an element that they can do without and I know SCOTLAND have an element that they can do without. The difference is, I can admit to all 3, some on here have a problem admitting that Scotland has an unsavory element within its football supporting ranks. Replace 'england flags' with Scotland flags and you've pretty much described the streotypical member of the tartan army..... Cammy F
  6. Like Colshy Gribz, you must have been rubbish at math at school. 1 fan out of what, 40,000 says this and that means the majority ..... I'm confused.... Cammy F
  7. Well, either Colshy or me can't count.... I've been going since 81/82 season and this being the 06/07 season, I thought that was 25 years.....
  8. AS it is with the Rangers fans - I've been all over Europe with Rangers and seen no trouble what so ever.... Cammy F
  9. What a loaded question - how can I really disagree? After all, I want us to be singing bigoted songs, wanting us to be thrown out of Europe, thats what I've been saying all along I don't think UEFA have a problem with 'political' and 'culturial' songs anyway, as there as sung at Italian, Spanish, Turckish grounds week in, week out.... Erm, I think most Rangers fans aren't sectarian FULL STOP.... Oh, so I was - thanks for that..... Its funny how you are quick to admit that sections of our support are Yet when I claimed that sections of the Tartan Army were buying into the in-crowd by being See You Jimmy hat wearing, anglo-phobes, anti-English, anti-British, a Bannockburn celebrator etc; you were quick to attempt to shoot me down in flames - touche... Cammy F
  10. I am not, but a non presbyterian, non unionist, non tory and non loyalist Rangers fan, and there are many, sure as hell wouldn't want to be.... Cammy F
  11. Again, Calscot, for someone who claims people read what they want from your posts, you do the same. Read my posts again - this is a racist crime - simple as that - the guy shouted 'This is Scotland you English ******' whilst hitting him - nothing to do with football - just a racist scumbag who you seem to be a pains to 'defend' Its not opinon Calscot, its fact - racist crime up 11% in Scotland.... I don't remember ever insulting anyone Calscot Yes you did - a few pages ago - it was you I quoted the text from Here is YOUR entire post Where have I ever quoted anyone from Follow Follow out of context Calscot? In fact, I can't remember quoting anyone from here out of context.... Cammy F
  12. Off course some will, its what football fans do...... But that doesn't take away from the fact that you are generalising that most (your word not mine) aren't patriotic and proud of the Union and The Queen. How you have come to this conclusion is beyond me. Most Rangers fans I know are unionists (with a small u) and very patriotic of Scotland and of Great Britain - but maybe the ones I know are the antagonisic ones. But it isn't, its red, white and blue so we'll never know. However, green and white NI tops and flags are common place at Ibrox (and green and white are Craptic colours not green white and gold as you were implying). Must have been different at my school / BB's Calscot. If we didn't attend Church we weren't allowed to play football. Everything anout our BB's was based around attending Church - at one point, we have over 150 members - same at school, the national anthem was sang with great gusto by those of us in the BB's, Bible Class, The Scouts etc. And if you can remember actually singing it much, how can you manage to remember the level of happiness and acceptance of the singers..... That is something that you'll have to ask them, but I can tell you that many Scottish clubs fans still carry the Union Flag - Hearts, Motherwell, Dundee, Falkirk, DAFC (as well as england flag), Airdrie etc, etc and QSTQ used to be sung at Scotland games and cup finals. Again Calscot, The Anchor is a favourite tune played and sung by The Blue Order band / section..... it was a hymn the last time I looked at the Bible. As I said Calscot, you have a particularly negative view of the vast majority of Rangers supporters. I urge you to get back to Ibrox and dispell these notions that you have of us. Cammy F
  13. More importantly Steve, will our Custodian demand a retraction from the press? Oh wait, it wasn't his nor Bains reputation that is at risk here, just us the fans' Cammy F
  14. Or maybe some see you using 'sociological principle' to mask a racsit attack on a 7 year boy, when in reality, it was simply a racist crime....... Or maybe some see you using ''sociological principle' to mask the fact that Scotland has major social issues including racism and violence that are inflamed by comments from the first minister. Or maybe using phrases like 'sociological principle' has some (not naming names) thinking you fancy yourself as the GersNet Graeme Spiers.... However, I think the best course of action would be for you to take a trip up to Ibrox Calscot and see for yourself that the vast majority of us aren;t Cammy F
  15. Can't agree with this - there are many instituations that our fans have ties to that sing GSTQ - not out of a love for the Queen necesarily, but out of a respect for the Union. I can think of the OO, The BB's, The Church Of Scotland, Girl Guides etc that all have ties to GSTQ and the Union Flag. Or maybe these organisations sing the national anthem to antagonise the tims.... I honestly believe that this is the only country (and I mean the UK) where singing the national anthem and flying the flag is seen as antagonisic and some how 'wrong'..... It is my understanding that a great amount of Rangers fans have had 'exposure' to GSTQ BEFORE they went to Ibrox - be it from assembly at School, the BB's, Scouts, Girl Guides, Church etc so maybe youjr perception is wrong Calscot. Cammy F
  16. gersfem, I wouldn't worry about as some of us obviously don't measure up to some others expectations of 'Scots' and 'Rangers' fans. I mean, speaking personally, I am a Scot who loves his country, who wears his national dress, who supports his country at rugby, cricket, athletics etc but isn't blind to our wee countries problems. I am also proud of my wee countries ties to the UK and our neighbours England, Wales and NI.... I am a Rangers fan who lives and breathes Rangers, who follows them all over the world and probably wrongly, puts Rangers before everything apart from my immediate family. But hey, thats just not good enough for some folks... Cammy F
  17. Try reading them again ; I quote So where is the sections, some, in there then Calscot? I quote again ; If that was aimed specifically at me, then who was it aimed at? You asked ME when and where I sung GSTQ. I, rightly IMO told you it was fuck all to do with you. Where and when I chose to sing OUR national anthem is my choice. But again, I'll humour you, as well as the previous places I have mentioned, I have sung it at official royal events, olympic games and whislt being drunk But it does when the attacker shouts, 'This is Scotland, ya English *******' whilst hitting a 7 year old kid, who is actually from New Zealand........ Cammy F
  18. And worth every penny ...... Cammy F
  19. Have you ever wondered how much money you've spent in those years Gazza - season tickets, burgers, pints, bus money, away tickets, european trips, programs, fanzines, tops, scarves etc, etc Also, have you ever thought how much the stress has taken off your lifespan Cammy F - Skint and dying 10 years before my time Loyal RSC
  20. Nothing - that is the annoying and fustrating thing about the whole issue. UEFA have confirmed that the only way for Ibrox to get a final is for the SFA to nominate us. Oh, they have also stated that if nominated, we would get a final. Cammy F
  21. I have just been looking thro some old Rangers memoribelia (sp) that I have lying around and noticed that this season will be the 25th consecutive season following Rangers for this old bear! I had been going prior to this, but it was only the odd game here and there. In fact, until then, my uncles used to all go to games in the local area (although most of them supported Rangers, Craptic, Hibs) rather than 'follow' one team and us, the nephews would be taken along. Now, I am not wanting praise for this, as there are far more dedicated fans than me around, but thought it was worth noting - wonder if DM has got me anything special for our anniversary Cammy F - Feeling Really Old Loyal RSC
  22. Just read that on a Hearts website they are claiming that this seasons fixtures are the same as last seasons, only reversed! So much for them being 'computor generated'... I Bet we still end up playing 3 away games after the split.... Cammy F
  23. But rino, Ibrox had 5 star accreditation YEARS before Hampden did. Why didn't the SFA nominate Ibrox then? Also, what does it matter what the yahoos think? Their stadium isn't up to standard, so it is UEFA not Rangers or the SFA that are stopping them getting a final, its their own cheapness... I can't be the only Rangers fan who is disgusted at the SFA not nominating us and the fact that we are the only 5-star stadium NOT to haver hosted a European final? Lets not forget that the SFA weren't shy in using Ibrox when it suited them for finals, semi-finals and intgernational games.... Cammy F
  24. Ibrox had 5 star accreditation years before Hampden did. There was nothing stopping the SFA nominating Ibrox whilst Hampden was being refurbished or when it didn't meet the standards. And surely, given that it is the only 5 star stadium not to hold a UEFA final and it is a lasting memory to those who lost their lives at the disaster(s) then we deserve to be nominated? Cammy F
  25. Hey, it was all your fault you unpatriotic, republican (Scots that is) so and so..... PS - was thinking about a Scottish Republic and was wondering who you would have as you 'president' Jim - surely not Joke McConnell? My choice would be Russ Abbott's 'See You Jimmy' Character Cammy F
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