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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. And you know all of the above is true? Do you work at Murray Park, are you privy to conversations between players, managers, coaches, or are you basing this on rumours, half-truths, and a 'one sided stroy'. BF not obaying orders isn't the reason we were 17 points behind Craptic, fucked by St Johnstone in the CIS Cup, the first time in our history that we have lost to a lower league side at home in a cup compition. Nor is BF at fault for the fuckin abysmal signings made by PLG, none of whom have shown anything to say that they were worth bringing. BF DOESN'T tell DM who is the manager or who should be sacked / employed et al. If BF was guilty of all of the above, DM would have rightly, kicked his arse the length of PRW and put him on the transfer list. Now, what you are implying is that SDM ALLOWED BF to dictate the direction our club is going, are we to seriously believe that? Away and bile yir heid..... Next you'll be telling us that Barry Ferguson is currently advising SDM on who should replace PLG and his 14 DUD signings..... Cammy F
  2. Latest from BBC - http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/r/rangers/6233237.stm Cammy F
  3. So he came to that conclusion after watching a video of ONE game .... Cammy F
  4. An exclusive from Cully to rank up there with the Crespo for Craptic exclusive a few season back..... BBC reporting that Hibs are not selling wither player until the summer (if at all). Brown wants a move to Rangers, Thomson wants a move anywhere away from Easter Road, Collins wants to sell them as a 'job lot' to the beggars..... A complicated afair and possibley the reason the new Rangers management team are staying well clear (at the moment) and lingin up possible replacements. Keith Jackson on RR also states that there is NOTHING in this story and that Brown will be a Rangers player. All speculation at the moment... Cammy F
  5. If and its a HUGE IF Barry Ferguson wasn't doing as he was told on the pitch, why did PLG NEVER subsitute him during any of the games he was in charge off? And IF he was undermining him, why was BF an automatic choice? Cammy F
  6. CammyF

    SPL buys

    Cammy Fraser - success Craig Paterson - 50/50 Gregor Stevens - flop Colin Stien - HUGE success Theo Snelders - shitbag Dougie Bell - flop Jim Bett - success (or did he come from abroad?) Bobby Russell (from Shettleston Juniors) - success Davie Copper - HUGE Success Gordon Smith - HUGE Success Iain Ferguson - flop Ian Redford - success'ish Cammy F
  7. - very average???? They are romping the SPL (only lost one game so far) and have qualified for the last 16 of the CL - something they haven't doen in many a year. Yip, they are getting stronger and stronger off and on the field as we get weaker and weaker. Another failure to reach the CL next season for us is unthinkable, but a very very very realistic nightmare. Cammy F
  8. We had one, namely Marvin Andrews, who are last manager deemed as surplass to requirments. Cammy F
  9. On the day that DA was removed from the managers office, David Murray makes an appearance flanked by Walter Smith (or Graeme Souness), Alex McLeish and a few Rangers legends. David Murray looks into the glare of the camera's and lights and states that due to financial restructring and increasing debt, which he acknowledges were his doings, Rangers are today setting out a 5 year plan. This plan will see the sale, over time of all our high earners and they will be replaced by a mix of the best Scottish talent and some very experience continental and 'British' players. Any money that Rangers do have will be channelled into Youth Development and the predictions are that in 5 years, we will be developing the very best of Scottish, British, European and World talent thro our academies (this will also help to establish Rangers as a global brand). Ex-players like Laudrup, Albertz etc will manage these academies and act as scouts for Rangers. David Murray also announces that he is (genuinely) looking into other areas for financial opportunities (not a pie in the sky casino) and will match every pound that the supporters put into the club with a pound of his own money. Now, that fairytale would have been bearing fruit if it had happened. I for one would have accepted that then and indeed, if David Murray was to deliver this rallying call on Tuesday when the latest managment team are announced, I would accept it then. However, I fully expect a bullish SDM to announce that the new dream team will deliver moonbeams of success whilst he continues to whittle away the little money we have into his own companies. Cammy F - We Need A Long Term Vision Over Short-Termism Promises That Go Unfulfilled Loyal RSC
  10. IMO the 2 most important things he got wrong were 1/ not hiring a Scottish / British assistant manager. When Souness took over his first signing was Walter Smith. DA came along, his first step was to ask who knew more about Rangers than anyone else. When informed that that was John Greig, he promptly told JG to get from his office and help DA look at players abilities and confirm if they had what it took to play for Rangers and in Scottish football. Look at most foriegn managers in England, they have a 'British' coach at their side - Stevie Clark, Chris Huaghton, Pat Rice, Alex Miller..... 2/ Despite knowing for ~6 months that PLG was going to be Rangers manager, he arrived with a very basic grasp of English - he couldn't communicate to the press, I'd imagine that he'd have the same difficulties communicating with the players. Cammy F
  11. In all seriousness, it is still my opinion that BF is the ONLY player that we have that is 'good enough' to play for Rangers. Now, not getting into another debate about the merits of him being in the team, that means the new management team require to find 10 replacements before the start of next season (and that doesn't take into account the time required for them to 'gell'). If BF goes, that makes an entire new team required. Now, having seen some of the reserve games at the beginning of the season, IMO there is NOTHING there at the moment that would help the first team squad. They may have improved since the last time I saw them, but probably not. Can WS, Stuart McCall and Ally McCoist turn the current squad into a decent team? IMO, yes they can, but it depends on what you would class a 'decent team'. The best they will get IMO is to run Craptic close in the league (win it a few times) and win a few trophies. They will make us hard to beat, but not the most attractive team to watch. Basically, they will be Rangers under AM (so hardly a step forward). It all depends on the transfer budget given to them, or any other management team. We must bevelop a 'spine' to our team just as Souness did when he took over. He bought (over a few seasons) Woods, Butcher, Wilkins and Hateley - what a spine of a team that was. WS will attempt and possibley get (over a few seasons) - Gordon (any better than McGregor?), Webster, Rino and Boyd / O'Connor. Add a few other Scottish players like Brown, Thomson or Hartley (we won't get both), Neilson (is he any better than Mutton?), Quasie and maybe we'll unearth a few foriegn diamonds. IMO, for us to become successful domestically, we have to hope for a fall in standards from our rivals rather than seeing an significant improvement from ourselves. Oh and if that isn't bleak enough, I still think we'll get worse before we get better. Do you think this team would win the SPL? McGregor Hutton/Neilson Webster Svensson Smith Rino Fergie Brown Hartley Boyd Novo/Prso EDIT - actually, it may have a chance if coached correctly Cammy F
  12. There is very little that I can add to this thread that I haven't already stated in other threads today. I'll sumerise my feelings by saying that it is my opinion that this man is killing the club we love. Cammy F
  13. I think the fact that he didn't trust, nor play, the vast majority of the players he signed showed that they weren't good enough for Rangers. A new manager has to trust the players he signed otherwise it gives the impression that they are no better, or indeed worse than those he inherited. That IMO is a terrible admission for a manager. Cammy F
  14. The players ultimately take the responsibility as once they are on the pitch, there is little the manager, coaches etc can do. As for our current squad, some are not good enough, that is obvious. Some look like they could be good enough but they are either not giving 100% or being coached incoorectly. Some are good enough but aren't good enough to carry the rest of the team. The worrying trend for me is that this team / squad have the same failings as AM's - they can not defend, can not take advantage of set-pieces and can't kill teams off. I may have been hoping for too much, but in PLG I thought that we had a coach who could have identified and fixed these traites. He didn't / couldn't. Cammy F
  15. I don't know - I am neither privy to a private conversation, neither do I want to specualte as to what the reasons were. I dare say we'll read about them in the media for the next few days tho. Cammy F
  16. As did PLG's unwillingness to pledge his future to Rangers beyond the summer - hardly in it for the long term was he? Cammy F
  17. I do, but that is just one side of the story - in another media outlet today, they are reporting that PLG was sacked as he was unwilling to pledge his future to Rangers beyond the summer. In the same article, it was reported that Murray BACKED PLG over Fergie and asked PLG to pledge his future to Rangers. When he didn't DM sacked PLG saying that it was better to leave now and not in the summer. Anothger report claims that DM didn't back PLG and that over 90% of the current squad weren't happy with tactics, results, being asked to play out of position. Others claim that the 3 main instigators in the dressing room were Fergie, Boyd and Prso - some claim there wasn't any urest. During WS first time in charge, there was MAJOR dressing room unrest - players were fighting with each other most days in training and some of this boliled over into games (McCoist & Gazza in a League Cup Final v Hearts at The Towers) - however, WS turned this into a positive and managed to get the best out of the players (TIAR season apart). All clubs have 'dressing room unrest' - all clubs have players falling out (Cole and Yorke at Man U as an example - they refused to talk to each other, but by fook were they a potent strike force) - all clubs have players fighting in training - its part of football. We are not alone in this (Lemmon and McGready fighting on the pitch at EEP - a side issue, but how many Tims or the media wanted Lennon punished of his brutality?). Cammy F
  18. It was reported recently that Prso was a supporter of Fergie in the supposed 'Battle Of The Dressing Room'. Now it is being reported that he and Fergie nearly came to blows? WHo are we to believe, or could this be more sensationalism by the media happily gobbled up by the anti-Fergie, pro-PLG brigade (ditto any story that appears to support Fergie)? As I said on another thread we'll NEVER know the real story and hopefully we can put this all behind us Cammy F
  19. Mon The Fort William Congratulations to the wee man Jon - he'll love every minute of it. Cammy F
  20. Every paper today has their own slant on the whole PLG / BF saga and frankly, we'll NEVER know the truth. Hopefully we can put the whole sorry incident behind us and put all our energies into what is best for Rangers Football Club. Or, we could continue the infighting and NOTHING at the club will improve. If you read over some of my posts from last year at this time, I suggested that no matter who replaced AM, we would be back here in 12 months time talking about the same issues and still miles behind the tims. Hey Presto, here we are,....... Here is another Cammy F predication, unless we force Murrays hand, we'll be back here NEXT year discussing who is going to replace the Dream Team of Smith, McCoist and Durrant. Cammy F
  21. Best statement on here for ages.... Has David Muurays continued downsizing of our ambitions really hit us that hard that Falkirk players are who we are looking at to take us forward? As for Graveson, I'd take him tomorrow along with Kenny Miller, Nakamotor and Viniger of Castlemilk - far better than anything (BF and Prso as exceptions) we have. Face facts folks, that is why they are in the last 16 of the CL and streets ahead of us both on and off the pitch at the moment. And signing Gow et al won't change that. We need both quantity and quality at the moment and have neither. BTW Gribz, the answer to your question regarding comp for Le Guen, it is rumoured to have been �£2M Cammy F
  22. Rangers won all what games? I must have missed that this season - IIRC, we haven't won 3 domestic games in a row..... I haven't been around lately for many varied reasons that are far to boring to go into especially with our rudderless club floating from one crisis to another. I make no apologies for reiterating where I believe our problems lie and that is squarely at the door of a certain David Murray. If you believe that I only post this stuff when we are being defeated, check back this board, and the older versions to my words of warning the DAY after our last two league triumphs and articles in No1 Fanzine dating back to the Advocaat era. Cammy F
  23. Yeah, I'm kinda hoping I was waaaaaaayyy wrong... Cammy F
  24. Could be true m8, but when he first took over, it was reported (and not denied) that AM had passed PLG a file on potential signings, including Brown and Thomson. PLG promptly thro this in the bin. This heralded much myrth amoungst the Rangers fans, stating that this showed AM didn't know a player. I wonder how many Austria Vienna players were listed in that file Cammy F
  25. The dark days of McLeish - 7 trophies in 3 seasons - by God, that sounds like HEAVEN at this minute in time.... PLG couldn't even secure 3 back to back victories.... if AM's reign was the dark days, how would you describe the PLG days? Cammy F
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