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CammyF last won the day on July 15

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  1. Don't mind either way, others need to be moved on before those two. As an example I'd rather lose Lammers than Dessers. Dessers scored 20 goals last season and we've been screaming for a 20 goal a season striker for decades. Now we've got one, we want rid of him. We've already agreed that we can't move on 10-11 players, Dessers and Tav are way down my list of players who need to be moved on. However, both would raise much needed funds if buyers were found.
  2. The obsession with moving Dessers on is becoming Tav-esque.
  3. So Queens Park have just released a statement in response to SFA and Rangers statements that haven't actually been released yet. It looks like Hampden has been confirmed https://queensparkfc.co.uk/queens-park-acknowledge-statements-on-the-temporary-use-of-the-national-stadium/
  4. Apologies I should have been clearer. I was alluding to those support England first and foremost.
  5. Scottish reaction to England defeats is cringy. In fact, it's as cringy as Scottish people actively supporting England. Better off having no real interest in international football. The sooner its scrapped the better.
  6. Lammers has clubs looking to sign him, but they can't afford his wages. Hagi may move to Turkey. The Saudi transfer window opens on 17th July. All our dreams or nightmares will be confirmed then.
  7. Stick yur prediction game up yur Jacksy! Congratulations to @der Berliner and thanks to @Rousseau
  8. Best team in tournament by a mile. England played well for 40mims against Netherlands and did well to hang-in tonight but once they equalised, Spain stepped up a gear.
  9. No. Go on, tell us......
  10. Cifuentes will not / can not be sold - he's on loan until January. The rest you've listed is just wishful thinking.
  11. That's the problem we have, but shouldn't stop criticism of the incumbents when they are clearly doing a terrible job. It's their responsibility to generate the needed investment or line up buyers for the club.
  12. 2-3 weeks or after the international break appear to be our go-to answers 🤔 😀
  13. Really? Wow.... I don't think I go far enough. No stadium yet to play our home games in. If it is Hampden we have clashes with QP which will mean Friday night or Sunday games (inconvenience for fans). Wel'll have to play all our crucial CL qualifiers at what is a "neutral' venue (huge income implications). We can't improve our squad unless we sell our best players (plus Lammers). Our wage bill is £2M more than Atalanta who finished 4th in Italy and won a European compition. We are miles behind (on and off the pitch) our main domestic rivals. I really can't see anything to be positive about. Maybe someone can point it out to me?
  14. I know you were, but the reality is the club is rotten from the top to the bottom. The end of last season was toxic in the stands and a bad start to this season will only see that increase. Once the fans chuck it (don't believe this 10K waiting list), then they might start to take notice and make necessary changes.
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