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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 2 minutes ago, buster. said:

    I think they'll target Morelos early doors for those yellow/red cards challenges that the ref will probably let go #FirstOneFree


    Odds are on SG trusting Alfredo. 

    It's a risk but AM is more than capable of providing a reward.

    There would be a risk of Itten getting lost in a first OF start.

    With regards to Itten getting lost, I have to disagree. No fans makes this just like all the other games with no fans IMO. There won't be that intensity from the first whistle with fans demanding every lunge and tackle to be 200%. Itten is a smart footballer and I dont think he would let us down if played. 


    I just worry about Alfie letting us down. I can't get it out of my head. He's progressed in this dept. but his idiotic lunge at Tannidice suggests to me that a leopard can never change their spots. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Mon The Rangers!  ??

    Under 4 hours to go. My coffee cup is already shaking due to nerves/excitement. Making sure my chores are all done as my missus always decides to find me something random to do a minute before kick off. ie. Can you go into the loft and find a box that I've not looked at for 5 years!! 

  3. 15 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    Not an unlikely line-up though. Brown and Soro playing together would be much more defensive than the diamond they have been playing, but would be a return to the 4-2-3-1 they have played for years.  It would be a bit strange though because it would mean McGregor in the 3 and he hasn’t played that far forward in a while. 

    If Duffy plays it throws up a few questions regarding Alfie IMO. Duffy is a carthorse but he likes to be physical and this can be where they can exploit Alfies temperament. He stupidly let himself get involved with Duffy in the last game and could easily have been hooked at HT. We need to exploit Duffy's obvious weaknesses (slow and ponderous) with guile and speed not pure physicality. 


    Could Stevie G throw a curve ball and start with Itten? A physical presence but a more level headed temperament? 



  4. 18 minutes ago, Bill said:

    No doubt most will already know but for the careless few who don’t, the great Josh Windass will shortly be live on SkySports. 

    Already waiting patiently with my Josh Windass life size cardboard cut out and celebratory pyjamas on. 

  5. My favourite story/quote of his comes from his time at Rotheram when they were in Division 2.


    "I promised I would take Rotherham out of the Second Division - and I took them into the Third. The old chairman said, 'Doc, you're a man of your word!"'

  6. 24 minutes ago, bluedan said:

    I see us probably going to our European style for this game being happy to hit them on the counter. Midfield is going to be absolutely key, as usually is. My only slight concern is with Jack and Arfield out we have plenty of skill and endeavour but perhaps lack bite in the tackle. If it becomes a cluster fuck in that midfield it may suit them giving that they'll be trying to break our rhythm. 

    We need to play it smart, they need the win so we don't have to hammer and tongs it leaving ourselves open. Hoping we draw them out and pick them off from there. I'm confident that with the front 3's movement they'll be all over the place. 

    Go for the win but pick our moments. 


    I was actually thinking about this earlier. Would Steven Gerrard play deeper and to coax them out, allowing more space for the likes of Roofs, Kent, Aribo, Hagi and Morelos? Its risky

  7. 15 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    This is big for me too. Jack is brilliant in games like this.

    They have replaced Brown with Soro who, to me, looks a very good player. I think he has the potential to emerge as one of their best players, though it is early days. 
    Turnbull and Griffiths have come in and they have both improved their 11 too. 

    That’s not to say we have anything to fear. They have weaknesses throughout their squad but especially across the back 4. But I do think some are getting carried away taking it as a given that we will hammer them. 


    If people are talking like that, you have to wonder if they have ever seen these games before. Celtic could be on a losing streak of 150 matches and I would still fear them getting a result at Ibrox. I hate these games tbh

  8. 4 minutes ago, buster. said:

    One person who is completely focused is SG and when it comes to the way to approach or start a game......you have to hope that his influence is very much taken on board by the full starting XI.


    Agreed. I think Davis and Macgregor can also have a big influence as past title winners

  9. 20 minutes ago, buster. said:

    Agreed and I'd point to the absence of Jack and Arfield as being a huge miss.


    They will be all over our midfield with a high press. Has Steve Davis got enough in the tank to up his levels for this game ?

    Jacks absence will probably mean our full backs are a little more conservative in the exploits going forward.


    The other perhaps more important thing for me is, what team will want it more ?

    My worry is that their absolute desperation and need to win, may have them taking the early initiative as we tend to start slow and in the last couple of weeks giving the opposition early opportunites to score......It's a different type of pressure than we've become accustomed to.


    Can't say I have good vibes about this match.








    I have to agree Buster. Not feeling confident about this game at all. 


    Too many factors for me. Jack and Arfield missing out is huge. As much as we have been winning, we seem to have lost our playing identity somewhat and are not as fluid as we have been. And they seem to gaining momentum. Saying that, United still created a few chances against their ropey backline.


    Definitely watching this one from behind the couch...

  10. 14 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    According to a quick Google search:


    "Tommy Docherty changed the kit again, switching to blue shorts and white socks, believing it made the club's colours more modern and distinctive, since no other major side used that combination.".

    Doesnt quite make it into the top 3 drastic kit changes...


    1. Brazil dropping their all white strip after the shame of losing the 1950 WC "final". They then went onto adopt their famous yellow shirts from 1954 after a newspaper competition.


    2. Aberdeen going from yellow and black stripes to all red and white in 1940. 


    3.Leeds Utd changing from blue and yellow combinations to all white in 1960.


    Anyhoo...RIP Doc.

  11. 11 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    Helander for me and Aribo playing in the midfield 3 and Hagi in the forward 3. 

    I do feel a wee bit worried without Ryan Jack or even Arfield in the midfield 3 for this game as they probably provide us with more than Aribo defensively. 

    I think Arlibo is more effective in a wider position than Hagi (see last season's win at the piggery). I like Hagi with space in front of him to utilise his shooting and passing 

  12. 28 minutes ago, stewarty said:

    That’s a very offensive looking team.  Swap Hagi or Kent for Aribo and I think it’s spot on. 

    I prefer Hagi with more of the game in front of him as opoosed to him playing wide or with back to goal. I also like the idea of Aribo occupying their left side with his ball carrying. The weakest part of their team is their defence and we need to exploit that with guile

  13. 10 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I have absolutely no doubt Kent will start on Saturday.  Gerrard's post match interview certainly gave that impression. 


    I don't agree with it but Kent tends to turn up for this fixture, so I won't be losing any sleep over it either.

    He is also has an important role with Borna in mitigating Frimpong and who ever plays in front

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