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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Just now, stewarty said:

    For periods, yes we had them hemmed in.  But we didn’t take advantage of the extra man and missed the pen so was a lot less comfortable than it should have been 

    Agreed but in terms of fluidity, that was our best showing in weeks. The players looked comfortable on the ball as opposed to last week against the mhanks, when they looked like they were scared of a football   

  2. 3 minutes ago, the gunslinger said:

    great to see morelos back in form. 


    7 wins away now. 



    Agree with regards to Morelos. Are the stars aligning for Morelos to beast the 2nd half of the season and fire us to title glory when we rock up the Mecanno Dome in March? Sorry...getting ahead of myself. Too many large glasses of Cab Sauv...

  3. 4 minutes ago, alexscottislegend said:

    I don't want a scrappy lucky win because then it becomes hard to get out of that groove, is what I'm saying. Even 2 dropped points will not be a disaster - we have wriggle room. And I fancy Hibs to take something from a sun-drenched Keltic. More important that we start to play with the fluency we showed at the start of the season.

    I don't think we have that much wriggle room tbh. If we start thinking we have, we will fail. We should play every game as if they are level with us. Not 10 pts ahead with "wriggle room"

  4. 21 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    It is a bit of a doom & gloom thread tbh, nobody is saying we have won anything yet, but it really is ok to enjoy any victory over that mob, we have so far had an excellent season.

    I honestly think some Rangers fans start the season dreading it and continue that worry all season, that is not healthy or enjoyable, it must make it a long season for those fans.

    Hardly doom and gloom. Just a wee touch of realism considering where we've been over the last few years 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Bill said:

    They won their first title the year we went into the chaos of administration. They won their next four titles while we were consigned to the lower leagues. They didn’t win their ninth title at all and had to be awarded it for an incomplete season. That leaves three credible titles, even if they had had years of uncontested access to European football to finance their success. They’ve crowed and sneered their way through our difficulties, convinced themselves of their natural superiority and set themselves up for the biggest fall since Humpty Dumpty. 

    They’re not feeling pain yet. They’re only feeling the fear of pain. Once the trophies are sitting in the Ibrox trophy room, once the reality of their financial mess becomes clear, once the child sexual abuse court cases start, that’s when the pain will come. 

    Inspiring Bill. Well said

  6. 13 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    "James Tavernier thumped a hopeful ball downfield and that simple punt sparked a crisis in Celtic terrain. From his position in footballing no-man's land, too far up the park and not hard-working enough to retreat, Diego Laxalt watched the ball float over his head to where Bitton grappled with Morelos.

    The centre-back made a show of himself. He had no need to do what he did, no need to put himself in such peril. Had he let Morelos go, the striker would still have had a huge amount of work to do, still an enormous job on his hands to score.

    The probability is that he'd have got a shot on goal - hence Madden's verdict - but scoring from that angle would have been a trick that only the pre-eminent goalscorers would have been capable of pulling off."


    You can tell English is a rugby man.  I'd expect better writing from a teenager. 



    A simple punt? He obviously hasn't watched Tavernier play that ball a thousand times and Alfie roll defenders. 


    I love the fact that so many people insist on mentioning the angle of where Morelos would advance on goal as if it's relevant to Maddens decision. It doesn't matter if it's deemed a harder task (ie. Not in front of goal). 


  7. 13 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I won't celebrate until we have won the league.  Given our previous form after the turn of the year under Gerrard, anyone thinking we've won the league is off his head.

    The press are also setting up their potential headlines as we speak. ie. This would be the biggest collapse ever seen etc. 


    Yesterday was merely a milestone on a journey littered with them 

  8. 7 minutes ago, buster. said:

    I tend to be as tentative as anyone when it comes to this type of thing...but there are now grounds to relax and enjoy (to a reasonable degree). This is mirrored by their resignation,..just becoming real.


    IMO, It's done (deal closed) if we win our next four.



    As long as there is still "ifs" in the conversation, I won't be able to relax ?

  9. 1 hour ago, buster. said:

    Game started as I thought it would.

    They were the hungrier and wanted it more, without Jack and Arfeld we struggled in midfield and the ball kept coming back at us.

    I was surprised at just how blunt we were in the first half and had thought our counter-attacks would carry more threat.

    Aribo, as he showed in September 2019, isn't made for that position in an OF match.


    But they didn't have the quality to make their superiority count and we had the best player on the pitch keeping out anything on target. The second save from Eduoard (even though it was offside) was out of this world. We hung in there and eventually did them. Two good balls from player of the season, Tav. The pass to Morelos (Bitton red) and the corner (goal).


    But that is now just noise,...it's the points that make prizes and when the whistle went on nearly 95 minutes, SG looked like a man who was already thinking of how best to go about getting the next three on offer.


    I don't live in Scotland, nor do I know of any Celtic fans where I do live but what an opportunity for heavily sarcastic banter back in Glasgow.

    There are just so many different angles to take ?  



    Here's a few of those angles...




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