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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 6 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    There's no requirement to pay it if you don't have the relevant equipment in your home.


    It's a personal choice but I will say, I feel far less agitated reading 26th's posts on here and hearing about Michael Stewart's Sportscene rants now that I am no longer contributing to the BBC coffers.

    Agree with gonzo. Just cancelled my licence last year and got an official letter stating that no licence is needed. The last BBC produced show I watched was available on Netflix so why am I paying nearly 150 bucks a year for the bloody privilage? 

  2. 28 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Don’t know what all the gloating is about. Celtic has clearly steadied the ship and is now unbeaten at home in 2021. 

    Their fans should be happy. Livi are a team in form and scraping a gutsy draw against them was a decent result for COVID FC...???????

  3. 20 hours ago, Devil's advocaat said:

    'It's affected us more than any other club'..... What an embarrassing statement that is, trying to rouse the orcs against the rest of society, as ever.




    I would genuinely love to hear that snake expand on this point. With Anne Budge doing the interview


    You were effectively handed a title because of this situation you twat

  4. 58 minutes ago, ian1964 said:


    Monty Python, Bill Hicks, Chris Morris and Larry David combined could not have written a better comedy than the laughter fest that is Celtic 20-21. We haven't quite reached Lawrence from Carntyne levels yet but we are getting close. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, JohnMc said:

    Why would we want Shane Duffy prevented from playing? We should be doing everything we can to ensure that man starts every match for Celtic. 


    I'm in the 'stand back and let this play out without comment' camp. We're 21 points ahead, 12 if they win their matches in hand, they've lost half their players for 10 days and even the First Minister is publicly calling them liars. Their squad is weaker than at any point in the last decade and their best players want to leave. Add to that the fury consuming many of their own support and the clear lack of leadership and discipline inside their club. We will never have a better opportunity to win the league than what we have now. We're playing outstanding football, this is in our hands, we can only blow it from here. I urge everyone at Ibrox to ignore the circus across the city and focus entirely on ourselves. Just keep winning, nothing else matters. 

    Agree 100%. More proof if needed last night as his heroic "clearance" falls to Hibs player and goal. Cue customary pic of Duffy on his ass in despair

  6. 40 minutes ago, MrGaryValentine said:

    Wright has looked decent any time I have saw him. My issue is are we just replacing like for like when you see the level of a Stewart, Barker or Jones? I know we need a squad but I would much rather Kai Kennedy, for example, was given an opportunity from next season similar to Patterson this year.

    I'm sure the same questions were asked of Kamara when we signed him?

  7. 15 minutes ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    I wonder if it is more than coincidence that Morelos is playing better with Roofe out the team?


    With Roofe playing, Morelos is not the main forward, and gets much deeper and involved with the play, and while that part of his game is improving, it can look like he is off-form as it is a lot to learn for a previously mainly penalty box striker. With Roofe out, Morelos reverted to a more central, leading the line position and this seems to have brought the best out of him again. 


    Could all be just coincidental and he is free of niggles, mentally in a better place, fitter, any of the above, or a one-off and he has a stinker next game!

    There might be something in that but it's based on 1 game since Roofe has been absent. It also makes me wonder if Morelos is that fragile of a person that not being the main man makes him miscontrol the ball? 


    I reckon we saw a better Morelos yesterday because we played better as a team. We were more fluid yesterday than we have been of late and that can only help a striker  

  8. 5 minutes ago, PoohBear said:

    I see a lot of people suggesting that Celtic will get the game postponed and then say there are too many fixtures to play before the end of the season so the season should be voided. I'm pretty sure this won't happen, sporting integrity says that a team can manage 8 games in 18 days if they so wish. Plenty enough time to complete everything.

    You do wonder why they moved the Hibs game when they already had 3 to play. I wouldn't put anything past them tbh.  

  9. 22 minutes ago, Gribz said:

    The fact Niemi and world cup winner Charbonnier doesnt enter the conversation says a lot.


    I am leaning towards McGregor - he has done it for a longer period of time.

    Niemi. It's a crime that he never got any Scotland caps...

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