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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 37 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    8 wins and 2 draws needed.


    BTW, there's more chance of The Beatles reforming than the yahoos finishing below 2nd.  

    I agree but I thought they had games in hand over them. It's just one game and a handful of points. If Hibs hadn't blown over the last few weeks, they would have been up their arses to

  2. 1 minute ago, Frankie said:

    That's what happens when you play at a good tempo.


    Strangely though, I think we could have done even better.  The pen miss is obviously a negative but I felt we were still too slow to move the ball now and again with Aribo, Hagi and Kamara all guilty of too many touches or failing to play the right pass at the right time.


    Nitpicking though really as we approached the game with the right attitude and more then deserve our lead.  Hopefully more in the second half and a chance to bring on Jack et al.

    I agree Frankie. Still feels like we are in gear 3 and have another few gears on the stick to try

  3. Burnley end Liverpool's 68 match unbeaten home record with a 1-0 win at Anfield. Watching the game was like watching some of our recent games. Full backs nullified in forward areas, no-one getting in behind and a glut of aimless crosses being lapped up be defenders. 

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