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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 10 minutes ago, RANGERRAB said:

    Just a bit concerned we’re starting without Jack & Davis. Zungu hasn’t really shown anything exceptional so far. However any win will do for me

    Valid points but I think Zungu has started 1 game (cup V St.Mirren)? A game in which everyone was dreadful. Hopefully we'll see what he can do today out with the occasional cameo?

  2. 3 minutes ago, Thinker said:

    I think it was from the game earlier in the season, but it was clearly far more worthy of retrospective action than Roofe's.

    Yes. I think it was earlier in the season. Pitch looks better and people have tans. Still a shocker though 

  3. 1 hour ago, der Berliner said:

    Was it mentioned 367 times by Crocker? I think not. Perhaps once or twice. Yet, that naughty BBC chap who wrote this during the live text will soon get the appropriate letter:






    Tshibola got his due from Clancy soon after





    Killie boss Fowler afterwards ...





    Dunno, "slightly" is rather generous ...




    And the "penalty" incident again ... wow, just wow. 



    That offside decision is a shocker. There is over a yard between the striker and the defender 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    The big mistake Alfie made was standing on Porteous' leg.  Should've aimed for the neck/head.


    Terrific goal though, so I'll let him off.

    I don't get this attitude. I don't care about Porteous enough to even begin to dislike him that much. He's irrelevant to us but if Alfie was red carded (as he should have) I would have been more than angry. His antics could have derailed our momentum in a few games recently.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    McCoist would've made more of Morelos' stamp than Walker did.  


    Crocker was obsessed with it though.  


    I love Alfredo Morelos.  Great stuff tonight - getting stuck into a dirty Hibs git and then scored the winner.  The wee man has it all.  

    Would you have said that if he was red carded so early in the game? He did the same against Utd recently and got away with it. It's tiresome tbh and now that we are so close to the finish line, it's beyond frustrating

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