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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 1 hour ago, Gribz said:

    Agreed. No idea why Klopp is disrupting the midfield aswell as the defence, he should just play the new signings or the youngsters at centre back and keep the midfield strong. As George Graham once said - If you dont have 2 class centre halfs then play 3. Liverpool could easily be playing 5-3-2 at the moment.


    The title is pretty much wrapped up, City are on a roll, they would need a big blip for a couple of weeks. Relegation is also finalised - no way are the bottom 3 getting out of it. Its all about CL places now.

    Agree about their midfield. It literally is a different 3 game after game. 

  2. I think both sides of this argument are valid tbh. Our level of performance has dropped (not unsurprisingly IMO) but we keep racking up the points. I think we just need to keep focusing on one game at a time and let's not forget that if we win the league these under par performances will be a distant memory. 



  3. Liverpool really struggling without Van Dyke, Gomes and the Anfield crowd IMO. I know all teams are missing their fans but they rely on their fans more than most to drive their "heavy metal" football. Oh and it doesn't help that their keeper is having a mare of late 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Biblio said:

    I am so relieved. I am a pessimist by nature and kept going through scenarios like dropping points today and them whittling down the gap, cheered on by their media. Today will have been a kick in the balls for them and could hopefully affect their performance tomorrow.

    I'm with you on this. Especially with 2 OF games to play. We simply cannot afford to give them any hope as I can see them going on a good run now the pressure is essentially off them. Maybe the might hang onto to Wotsit teeth...?

  5. 3 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

    This is becoming a regular half time beef.


    We have forced the Killie keeper into one save, the Kent strike touched over the bar five minutes before the break.


    Please Rangers, start the second half hard, get the second and ease the pressure. Start working the keeper. 


    Jack's strike is special, maybe his first touch is better than his second(the strike)?

    Said much the same thing earlier. It's almost like we've forgotten that for us to score we need to up the tempo and work their goalie 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I'm not sure Itten's showing enough - whether that's him or the team not quite clicking with him, I don't know. 


    He's shown some good ability over the last few games, coming off the bench. 


    When he starts, it doesn't happen for him. 



    If the whole team was functioning I would be more concerned about Itten but not many players have performed well today, therefore I don't get why he gets singled out?

  7. 22 minutes ago, Thinker said:

    I agree. We should get it sewn up ASAP. We can win it before the split and play Paterson, McLaughlin, Bassey, and whoever else could do with a run-out for the majority of the last 5 games.

    I wouldn't juggle too much. Especially if we win it early and remain unbeaten. I think professional pride should mean we should be aiming for an unbeaten season if it is possible. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, the gunslinger said:

    they haven't won a hard game all season. Even a dramatic upturn in form will see them drop 10 points in the next 12 games. 


    leaving us 2 wins from the title. 


    We have massive leeway. 

    Still too risky. Just go out and win the next 5/6 with the strongest team possible. 

  9. 58 minutes ago, the gunslinger said:

    we should rest more players this weekend. If it leads to another performance like this so be it. It really shouldn't though. 


    I would play wright for Kent and Paterson for Tav at least. 


    Celtc have handed us the opportunity to do so. 





    I disagree. The time to rest players and tinker is when this is done. Say we were to drop points due to a few more draws. That could potentially reduce our lead to 11 pts. We still have to play them twice and who's to say they dont get their tails up and win those 2 games. 


    Just play our best XI in all games until this is done. There is too much riding on this to risk it on trying to prove a point about the depth of our squad.

  10. 1 hour ago, Gribz said:

    Numerous things.

    1) He should have pitched for a tried and trusted centre half for cover. (Are they regretting losing Lovren?). Imagine Rangers defence was Jack and Davis? - Its unthinkable and distrups the rest of the team.

    2) Salah is obviously not at the races and at the stage in his career where he is thinking about Barca or Real.

    3) Empty stadiums - I know its the same for everyone but Liverpool's home crown in the big games can have an effect unless you are Diego Simeone and Atletico Madrid or Sir Alex.

    4) Bit of lack of creativity in the midfield. Thigao, Wjunildum (sp) and whoever plays are quite similar, they dont ever try a No.10.


    Klopp will get more time and the aim will be top 4. You dont get rid of a manager who has made progress to finals then winning the CL and record points in the top flight plus breaking the 30 year spell.


    IMO Gerrard wont be considered until he has another 2-3 years and trophies on his CV, they will have looked at Chelsea and seen what has happened there. I dont think Gerrard is going anywhere. He will want a crack at the CL next season at Ibrox.

    I agree tbh but bloody nothing surprised me in football. Claudio Ranieri was sacked a few months after winning the PL for Leicester.  

  11. Is anyone got one eye on the Liverpool situation? I can't see them getting rid of Klopp this season (too many key injuries) but he was untouchable at Dortmund and then it went sour quickly. Liverpool have not lost 3 consecutive league games at Anfield in 55 years. For our sakes, I hope they turn the corner soon. 

  12. What a terribly awful performance today. Felt sorry for Itten tbh. Don't think he did much wrong and I would have liked to see him and Roofe together. Hopefully a wee reminder that we've won nothing yet and that there is still plenty of work to do. Draws are as good as defeats so we have no room to start getting sloppy. Especially with 2 games against them to play. 


    We need to really start upping the tempo from the first whistle over the next 3/4 games. Oh and play your strongest XI and get the match won.

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