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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Not sure what to think about today. We are effectively playing with no pressure. That to me suggests this could go two ways. Firstly, we will playing without any edge and that could effect our commitment to winning the 1 to 1 battles around the pitch. Secondly, we could go out there and play with freedom and put on a good show. Hopefully it's the latter.


    Got a strange wee feeling Alfie will deliver the goods today. 

  2. Saw rumours circulating over the last day or so. Hopefully whatever it is he is strong enough to fight it and make a full recovery. Get well soon Walter. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    This is just another straw for the losers to clutch at.


    I, for one, am glad the yahoos went to Dubai and congratulate them on the excellent choices they have made this season.  The Scottish football authorities are incompetent too - hopefully the actions of our supporters ensure no Euro games are played in Scotland.



    You're a right ray of sunshine aren't you...

  4. 2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Nothing Rangers could have said would have stopped the large gatherings.  It was inevitable.


    If the SNP's collective knickers are in a twist about it, all the better. 

    Yep. That's what really important here...

  5. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but I know you have all been waiting patiently for Ryan Christie to break his silence on Rangers winning 55.  He insists it's just a blip...


    Yes...a 20 point blip young man. GIRFUY!!!

  6. If they drop points tomorrow and it becomes official, is this the earliest we have won a league title in modern times?


    I genuinely hope we can get to end of the season unbeaten to extinguish their "invincibles" bravado from the Rogers era.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    This was always going to happen so enjoy the scenes instead of getting upset about it.


    It's not ideal and I can understand why folk might be annoyed but if I were 20 years old and lived in Glasgow, I'd be there too so I'm not going to be a hypocrite about it.


    It's like saying we shouldn't have ran on the pitch at Pittodrie 35 years ago.  Let's get back into the real world.

    I don't think those two scenarios are comparable tbh

  8. 12 minutes ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    I’m absolutely disgusted at those scenes. There is a feckin lockdown in force to prevent people dying. The selfishness on show by those idiots only goes to ensure it is longer until we can all get back to the games.


    I have suffered like the rest of us and am desperate to celebrate our long awaited title and the completion of a 9 year journey back to where we belong. I was at Brechin at the start, at Stirling when we lost for the first time in the 4th tier, at Alloa to see us knocked out the diddy cup, I gave up my ST and a fantastic seat to try to get rid of the spivs, I was in Luxembourg to see the worst ever defeat in our history, and I am desperate to be in attendance when we win the title but am resigned to the fact that I won’t be.


    There will be plenty of time to celebrate when the restrictions are eased, until then we just have to celebrate at home. That is utterly crap, but it is the only acceptable way to do it. 


    I was highly critical of the bheasts for their antics at Hampden, and I am hugely disappointed that we are doing the same, although where the groin brigade wannabes are concerned I shouldn’t have been surprised. This has their hallmark all over it.


    Totally agree. First title in friggin ages and this is all we are going to hear about. Way to go ya bunch of clowns

  9. I think the question that springs to mind is...how is this league be celebrated? I hate to sound negative but I can already see headlines regarding socially irresponsible Rangers fans gathering during a pandemic to celebrate. What can be done to avoid this? 

  10. 2 hours ago, Gribz said:

    Huge 3 points. 1 more win and thats it. It would have been amazing to win it at Celtic Park but its going to be done by then due to goal difference

    If it's still technically possible for them to beat us it then an official Parkhead title win is still on the cards. 

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