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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Not sure what to think about today. We are effectively playing with no pressure. That to me suggests this could go two ways. Firstly, we will playing without any edge and that could effect our commitment to winning the 1 to 1 battles around the pitch. Secondly, we could go out there and play with freedom and put on a good show. Hopefully it's the latter. Got a strange wee feeling Alfie will deliver the goods today.
  2. Hate to state the obvious but this was a type of game we needed a noisy crowd to help us. Bit like the Braga home game last year. Oh well. Let's move on and take all our frustrations out on that lot at the weekend
  3. Can't really get any fluency thanks to their diving and fouling breaking up the play every 2 minutes. The ref is shocking. How did Kamara get booked? He literally could not stop his body from moving
  4. Can see them scoring 1 goal tonight so we need to be on it and take our chances when the come our way.
  5. Saw rumours circulating over the last day or so. Hopefully whatever it is he is strong enough to fight it and make a full recovery. Get well soon Walter.
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/56301959 Maybe the boys have been working on this in training this week?
  7. Yep. That's what really important here...
  8. IMO this will be our hardest game of the season. Discuss...
  9. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but I know you have all been waiting patiently for Ryan Christie to break his silence on Rangers winning 55. He insists it's just a blip... Yes...a 20 point blip young man. GIRFUY!!!
  10. Where's the Slavia Prague thread? ????????
  11. Go easy on the Don Revie. We have a big game on Thursday????
  12. Fireworks all around my house. Amazing!!!
  13. Hands are physically shaking trying to text. C'mon the Rangers!!!
  14. If they drop points tomorrow and it becomes official, is this the earliest we have won a league title in modern times? I genuinely hope we can get to end of the season unbeaten to extinguish their "invincibles" bravado from the Rogers era.
  15. This is more about them putting on their own "look at me" display as opposed to celebrating Rangers winning the league.
  16. Totally agree. First title in friggin ages and this is all we are going to hear about. Way to go ya bunch of clowns
  17. Would love to see him start today V St Mirren. Just to see what he can do from the start of games as opposed to off the bench. He does look promising.
  18. I think the question that springs to mind is...how is this league be celebrated? I hate to sound negative but I can already see headlines regarding socially irresponsible Rangers fans gathering during a pandemic to celebrate. What can be done to avoid this?
  19. If it's still technically possible for them to beat us it then an official Parkhead title win is still on the cards.
  20. So if we beat St Mirren on Saturday and the Dhims don't take all 3 pts on Sunday, we are officially Champions?
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