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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 2 minutes ago, Gribz said:

    Agree going all out attack, and I think we can afford to as our defense and keeper are rock solid anyway. The League was top priority and the balance of power has swung so we should be going all out.


    Line up will be interesting but Id like to see Hagi start. I always like the look of us when both Hagi and Kent are on the park.

    I know it's a bit left field but I would be curious to see how Kent and Wright would do together in the same starting line up. Would love to see them both running at their back line.

  2. 2 hours ago, Bluedell said:

    Do away with the Scottish national team and just have a British team that we can all get behind. ??

    So we will be basically be supporting an English national side? No thanks. 


    Bills original post is spot on. I used to love World Cups and some of my fondest memories of watching football have involved these big tournaments but they now just leave me cold. Saying that so does the CL. I haven't seen a live CL game in years. It bores me to death tbh

  3. Just now, compo said:

    Lie back and relax its been a long time since we played them as champions pour yourself a good measure of malt and a wee Fowler's to open your taste buds 

    Sounds nice Compo. A wee cup of caffeine for this bear. I'm off booze at the moment. Trying to shift a few lockdown pounds??? Enjoy the game!

  4. 1 minute ago, compo said:

    A braw    day for a game of footie and a day when I can see ends out in force making nuisances of themselves giving the SNP a deflection from their leaders story stand by tomorrow's headlines Rangers fans break curfews. 

    Can we just focus on football in here please!

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