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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 54 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    I do normally watch and listen after we beat them. I don’t expect much, but my word, last night was by far the worst coverage I have seen. 

    Sportscene, most people have probably already heard about. The whole thing was discussed from Celtic’s point of view, our last two goals weren’t even shown. They could have talked about Defoe scoring in what could be his last game but no, it ends with a literal Scott Brown tribute reel showing him scoring goals against Rangers. You couldn’t make it up. 

    Sportsound, I have to admit I was expecting at least some improvement on that but it was dire listening. They managed to talk about the transition at Celtic for about 40 minutes. All the ins and outs, will Lawwell still advise from afar? Literally nothing said about Rangers other than in the context of discussing what Celtic have to do because they have been surpassed. 

    This is a disgrace from a national broadcaster. One journalist having his press privileges removed doesn’t come close to justification for the constant Celtic-centric analysis and coverage and shameless lack of praise/analysis/anything of us. Well, funnily enough they never tired of talking about us when we were in the doldrums. 

    One of the many reasons they do not get a bean from me for their prehistoric licence fee.

  2. 9 hours ago, RANGERRAB said:

    I watched Sportscene on BBC at 11.30.

    Post match analysis minimal. Didn’t even discuss or show the third & fourth Rangers goals

    I can't believe people still watch BBC Scotland. Especially the nonsense they claim to be sports content.

  3. 46 minutes ago, Cutchy77 said:

    This signing baffles me. I can't understand why we would sign a 24 year old center half who could not get a regular place with Bournemouth but he is good enough for Rangers and above that give him a 4 year contract. All I can think of is that he is a ball playing center half that could help against a high pressing team as this is not a strong point of our current center halves. I don't think he is good in the air and he is not the strongest tackler. Maybe Ross Wilson saw him play a stormer in one game and was impressed. I don't see him being a regular in the team at anytime apart from maybe injuries. This is only my opinion. Watch this he will have a stormer against Celtic today and I will have to eat humble pie. Time will tell

    This is a pointless argument. For one reason or another Glenn Kamara could not get into Dundee's starting XI and look how that turned out. 50k and 2 seasons later we have player that is worth 10 million plus in today's market.


  4. Hopefully we muster up a good showing today. Apart from a decent little spell in tbe cup game, our last 3 OF performances have been mightily underwhelming IMO. We need Roofe, Kent, Morelos and Aribo to be on it today. And can we please try to get in behind as opposed to lobbing in one pointless cross after the other. Yes, I'm looking at you Borna.


    Really want Roofe to be influential. After a lot of promise, his season has fizzled out because of injuries. Almost fulfilling all the prophecies from Leeds fans when he signed.


    Could we go with Wright today? Unknown quantity for the Tims

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