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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Easy for you to say...?? Definitely one to file under one for the future? Only 21 and has only played a handful top flight games.
  2. One of the many reasons they do not get a bean from me for their prehistoric licence fee.
  3. One thing that cannot be argued is that Simpson is a big unit. On his own he looks average height but I noticed that he towered above everyone when the players were together. What is he? 6 foot 5?
  4. I can't believe people still watch BBC Scotland. Especially the nonsense they claim to be sports content.
  5. Are they not? Surely we are not counting Queens Park, Hearts and Hibs as "rivals"?
  6. What a day. What a season. Stating the bloody obvious but it is such a pity the fans have not been able to witness the achievements of this team.
  7. Thought he did well today. Very harshly booked early on which probably didn't help
  8. Jesus wept...chill out and enjoy a brilliant and resounding victory against our oldest rivals. Sounds like it's way down your pecking order...
  9. Rangers Chat only please. Plenty of space over the Bluenose Lounge for this. We've just hammered the Tims 4-1 and have opened up a 23 pt lead in the league. You would think that would be the focus for all Rangers fans...
  10. He did ok. Almost made a mess of things by booking Simpson for a silly wee bump early on. He missed a few "professional" fouls IMO
  11. Not maybe MOTM but I thought Baresic was more direct today and had his best game in ages.
  12. Delighted for Defoe at the end. Guy is a class act. Good luck with whatever happens next year
  13. Pissing myself at Clyde SSB. The utter delusion continues from the Tims
  14. This is a pointless argument. For one reason or another Glenn Kamara could not get into Dundee's starting XI and look how that turned out. 50k and 2 seasons later we have player that is worth 10 million plus in today's market.
  15. Hopefully we muster up a good showing today. Apart from a decent little spell in tbe cup game, our last 3 OF performances have been mightily underwhelming IMO. We need Roofe, Kent, Morelos and Aribo to be on it today. And can we please try to get in behind as opposed to lobbing in one pointless cross after the other. Yes, I'm looking at you Borna. Really want Roofe to be influential. After a lot of promise, his season has fizzled out because of injuries. Almost fulfilling all the prophecies from Leeds fans when he signed. Could we go with Wright today? Unknown quantity for the Tims
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