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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Just saw the away strip on the promotional video and as much as I'm still not sold on it, it looks far better. The flash photography on those first shot highlights the shiny parts and cheapens it. If we are paying tribute to our Govan heritage I would have preferred something like this but with stripes not hoops. The monogram badge looks amazing on these colours IMO. Saying that hoops would really piss them off ???


  2. 3 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    I don't mind the strip itself. It's quite nice.


    However all the sponsorship gold is a bit overpowering, and it would look better overall to have the more traditional white.


    I know we won the league but do we really need to have everything in gold? 

    Is the gold not to represent the 150 years anniversary? Either way, I kind of agree. Someimes less is definitely more

  3. 19 hours ago, Bill said:

    The new away strip looks good too.

    I like it but I don't see the point of a darker blue strip? I would prefer a reversed version of the home strip using the exact same design. Blue collar on white strip. Maybe a few bands of colour. Blue, red? I always loved this strip. 


  4. On 24/06/2021 at 14:19, Bill said:

    Apart from Italy I think the "big" teams have all disappointed to an extent .... but that's often the case in the group stages. I hope one of the lesser lights goes far and it wouldn't entirely surprise me if it was Sweden or Denmark.

    Very much like the last World Cup IMO. France won it but I wouldn't class them as an amazing team. Amazing individual players with a very conservative coach. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    For our 150th I'd love to see a blue and white striped top 


    Would be nice but I never got that as change strip. Surely we would only change when played a team with blue so why change in another strip with blue in it? It wouldn't happen today with the colour regulations for opposing strips

  6. 9 hours ago, Bill said:

    Something else I like ..... no five stars

    Agree 100%. They look cheap and completely diminish the iconic monogram badge IMO. 


    At least the kit is different from last season. Just saw the Tims strip. Literally the same strip as last season minus the yellow. Adidas really burning the candle at both ends in that one ???

  7. 8 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    No Rangers shirt should ever have the colour gold anywhere near it.  The collar is nice though. 

    I don't mind it if it's for a one-off celebration of a landmark year. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Bill said:

    I know what you mean but I think we were more "not crap" than "immense". It certainly was a decent performance but if we've any sense we'll realise that we could play like that next week and still go out of the tournament. The last thing we need is thinking a 0-0 draw is world class. Feet firmly on the ground.

    Immense in terms of desire and effort. Still lack quality to put the ball in the net. Hate to say it but that wee w*nker Griffiths was fit he would put away these chances. Hopefully we can beat Croatia but looking at the group's I fear that will not be enough to get through as ne of the best 4rd place teams

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