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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Can't see many sales of the lilac strip shifting after last night. Not a fan incidentally. Looks cheap IMO. Why can't we just get a classy all white strip. Maybe with a blue star? Is it too much to ask in this year of all years...? Grouchy bar steward, Glasgow.
  2. Forget that. Ross County away is our next big game. I fear for us going into that OF game if we don't pull the finger out
  3. Thought the warning signs were there at the end of the 1st half tbh.
  4. Too many players not doing it at the moment. I hate to single players out but what's happened to Barasic. Looks very unsure at the moment. And please can we get beyond lobbing endless crosses into a packed box? That's 3 games in a row we've persisted with this tactic. Ok we scored from a cross tonight but 1 goal out of about 50 crosses over 3 games is not a good hit rate.
  5. For anyone interested...we will be wearing our new lilac 3rd kit tonight. Hate it when we are not playing in our 1st choice strip at home.
  6. Just watched the Press conference. A wee bit OTT. No one has died ffs. Wouldn't it be great if he turned round and said don't worry. I've got all the money I need so I'll play for free over the next 2/3 years? Why go to PSG if it's not for money? Disappointed if this happens
  7. Hate to be the harbinger of doom but the last few games have followed many of our games in the second half of last season. There were many games at the start of 2021 were we genuinely struggled to create chances. It is worrying. Oh and I agree with regards the make up of our midfield. If Lumstrom and Davies are playing together, Kamara has to move forward and be more constructive. It's clear now why we were looking at the Dutch boy.
  8. Forwards are not the issue for me. If we are not creating good/any chances, the personel is irrelevant. We need to better than...shift the ball wide to Tav/Borna to hit speculative crosses. We need tjhem etting round the back and hitting the by line.
  9. There's no point singling out Lundstrom from a whole team that was rank.
  10. The fact that their goalie had nothing to do says it all.
  11. I would put that in the top 3 worst performances since SG arrived. Probably coming in at number 1 as we are champions. We could have played for days and not scored.
  12. We have not one ball thrown into the box. Why keep bloody persevering?
  13. Where is the tempo Rangers? Hate this pedestrian pace we sometimes adopt
  14. Eh? Itten, Wright, Defoe, Paterson, Arfield, Simpson, McGregor is a strong bench IMO
  15. Having seen the abominations Nike have created for Barca, Inter and Spurs for the forthcoming season, I wouldn't want them anywhere near a Rangers strip.
  16. Is it me or has Stevie G been quite tetchy this week during his pressers? Love the fact that he calls Dundee Utd Dundee.
  17. I didn't realise McCarthy was let go from Palace therefore he was effectively a free agent. Might say a lot about where he's at these days. A 4 year deal seems generous for someone who has played just over 150 club games in 8 seasons.
  18. That's impressive numbers and other suppliers will be pricking their ears...
  19. Just saw this on the wires...Pep is apparently gutted he just forked out 100 million on Grealish...
  20. Was the bench not a reflection of the UEFA quota ruling on home grown players? I may be talking baloney...
  21. Jones didn't play and ultimately offer enough to be a whipping boy. Losing Jones will have no significant impact on our season.
  22. I would have kept Itten on with Salaka up top and went 4-4-2. Itten was one of the positives IMO
  23. Was kindle of hoping they would scrape through so they could face PSV who put 7 past Galatasary
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