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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Based on form, our chance of success today could hinge on Aribo. If we could only get him, Kent and Hagi to all turn up in the same game. 


    So do we go with Alfie or Roofe up top today? Personally I would go with the latter. Chances might be tight so we need to take them and based on current form, Alfie is way off the pace.

  2. 3 hours ago, the gunslinger said:

    i don't think we should put to much emphasis on the performance last night. We clearly went out knowing we had no subs to make in very hot conditions and were always in the lead and played accordingly. 


    they misses are perhaps a worry but i think they were largely symptomatic of the conditions. 

    I think if the chances fall to Itten, Roofe or Defoe we are guaranteed at 2/3 goals. Morelos is off the pace at the moment. Christ, even his goals have had an element of fortune IMO. The "header" against Malmo came off his side. His goal V the Armenians just crept under. The sclaffed shot V Ross County. I know a goal is a goal regardless but it seems indicative of his general play at the moment.

  3. 9 minutes ago, ranger_syntax said:



    I'm getting fed up watching Morelos one on one with the keeper.  I can't remember the last time I felt confident watching him in that situation.  Even the goal last week, against Alashkert, was almost a miss.  He used to have an edge.  Where has it gone?


    I'm now concerned that this will be a long, and difficult, season.

    He was awful tonight

  4. 2 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    It would be churlish to hope for them to fail. The coeficient--


    Ugh--I can't even finish that. 


    'Mon the Dutch!

    I think we need them to qualify tbh. The idea of us playing catch up on Sundays fills me with dread at the moment. At least they would have the same schedule. 

  5. 1 minute ago, PoohBear said:

    I honestly don't think Gerrard is sitting on his hands thinking, "yes this is all going to plan". This isn't game management, game management would be scoring a couple of goals early and shutting up shop. That this tie is still in the balance is really quite appalling to be honest. I'll be delighted if we go through, but I'm starting to have serious concerns regarding our performances.

    I have to agree. Symptomatic of the season so far.

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