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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. He has been frustrating to say the least. He does some great work then undoes it with some amateur play.
  2. Apologies. It was not meant to be a like for like comparison. More a comment on how as fans we are quick to attach opinions on players too quickly (good or bad). I'm as guilty as anyone tbh. My memory was that many fans wanted a permanent deal for Cullibaly based on about 2/3 games. He did look good in spells but judgements should be made over a prolonged spell. I genuinely hope Sakala turns out to be diamond and progresses in his more favoured position.
  3. Fair points but there is also a flip side. One good game doesn't make him the finished article. Remember that gut we had on loan? Cullibally? He had 2 good games and there was talk of a 5million plus permanent deal. Where is he now? I'm over the moon for the guy but it's step one. Let's build on it. That goes for all the players to be honest as this feels like our season has hopefully finally kick started.
  4. Hopefully Rousseau, hopefully. Will be a good boost for Thursday and a tough round of domestic fixtures.
  5. A performance we have all been waiting and hoping for all season. Great tempo, great desire, great movement, great passing and plenty of shots on goal. Well done Rangers. Well done Fashion. Well done Glenn Kamara. Players were delighted to see these guys score. Good to see. Pity Scott Wright's dig didnt go in. Would be the cherry on what was a very tasty cake.
  6. Wish McGregor would stop with the pointless punts. He had time to put his foot on the ball and find a player.
  7. Sakala has to start bringing something to the table apart from having a bit of pace. Roofe is our best striker IMO (stats back this up) and it should be him and one other. Hate to sound defeatist but I fear a frustrating afternoon with that line up.
  8. It's staggering to think that if we had not dropped 6 points in our last 3 home games we could be aiming to go 10 points clear today. And that from a team that has not turned up yet this season.
  9. Couldn't agree more. Hopefully the added pressure awakes some players from their early season lethargy.
  10. Another little observation from tonight. I know the conditions were poor but our general control and first touch were terrible tonight.
  11. Bringing on Arfield had zero impact on the game.
  12. Offering some perspective...We are top of the league yet have not kicked a ball since the season began. If you had offered me these league standing prior to ball being kicked in August I would have taken it. I did think we might suffer a mini hangover from last year. I just didn't think it would last this long...
  13. Another way below par performance. Kent has his critics but we are a far poorer team without him. We basically are not creating any chances. Their goalie had nothing to do in the 2nd half. That's what worries me. On a sidenote, I'm embarrassed that a Scottish team actively went out tonight with a game plan focused on falling over and time wasting. Shame on you Aberdeen. Their players were falling over at every opportunity and were obviously told to go to ground and stay down. Glass must have been on the phone to Simeone.
  14. "Disaster" seems like a bit of an OTT evaluation of where we are at
  15. That is both heart breaking and beautiful. RIP Sir Wattie.
  16. Very happy with that indeed. Considering our rather inconsistent form, it was nice to play well and manage the game professionally in the 2nd half. A clean sheet was the cherry on the cake.
  17. Half way there. Good 1st half performance but the challenge now is how we manage the game. That's been one of our many downfalls of late.
  18. Very attacking team tonight. Aribo, Hagi, Roofe, Morelos. Full backs will be key for good quality supply and width. C'mon Rangers!!
  19. Watched Athletico Madrid V Liverpool last night. Thought the Spanish team were a disgrace tbh. Crowding the ref after every decision and doing everything to get Liverpool players booked. Horrible to watch. Glad Liverpool won (my 2nd team).
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