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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Agree 100% about Lampard. His team's had zero identity as far as I could see.
  2. Now being mentioned as the next England manager. I think my biggest concern is that guys like Potter and Knutsen seem like longer term project managers. The crazy world we inhabit dictates that we need someone to hit the ground sprinting.
  3. Why wait? We need to be ahead of the game here and not wait until he's beyond our reach. He's very progressive from what I've read and he's current. Gio hasn't managed at a good level for over 2 and a half years. Is the Norwegian a risk? Of course he is but so is every managerial appointment.
  4. That's a rather myopic outlook Bill. Can I ask a question? Would you take Graham Potter as our next manager?
  5. In the 70's. Big DJ rounding the keeper and scoring. Think it was against Dundee Utd?
  6. Was the first goal not set up with a sublime pass from Wilkins?
  7. Knutsen should definitely be on the list. Wilson has talked about a succession plan and this guy's philosophy is based on a pressing 4-3-3 system. The more I read about him, the more I like.
  8. I hear he's lining up a bid for Brandon Barker...?????
  9. No club will be looking at Jack based on his injury record alone.
  10. Agreed but experience can be somewhat overrated in some cases. Especially if their most recent "experience" is generally mediocre. For example, Scotland recently got Alex McLeish in due to his "experience". Most of the good things that McLeish created happened about 13/14 years ago. Everything after that was negative and riddled with over fussy and reactionary football. Let's not forget SG had no experience whatsoever and in one season gave us an identity. Was it perfect? No. But it was a far cry from the Tims skelping us by 4/5 goals and getting beat by some no marks for Luxembourg.
  11. This. With 200 foot high bloody bells on it.
  12. That's exactly what we need. If the new manager sees Rangers as a stepping stone to bigger things then he can only gravitate to those higher levels by being a success. We're not going to get a manager who is here to build a dynasty. Those days are gone. The only people that should be building dynasties are the current custodians of Rangers by always appointing a manager with a progressive vision that cements and builds upon the overall identity of our play.
  13. Still think we should have sold Morelos if we had the chance.
  14. Martin has done a good job at Swansea and they tend to have an eye for decent managerial talent. (Martinez, Rodgers, Potter).
  15. Talk of Russell Martin (Swansea) now as a replacement.
  16. The timing could be better but I wish Stevie G well with what he goes onto do. He's impressed me greatly during his time in Glasgow and the timing won't affect that. He was always going to leave sometime sooner than later. I just hope we display the same vision we showed when appointing Gerrard.
  17. His wand is rather broken st moment. He's half the player he was a season ago IMO. He just doesn't look confident in what he is doing.
  18. On the tempo being dropped...it must be a wee bit disheartening for the players to see so many fans leave well before the final whistle. After the last couple of years, you would think that you would want to savour every minute of watching the team. Each to their own I suppose.
  19. Good to see Kent and Jack get minutes. A wee bit frustrating but on another day that could have been 7 or 8 goals. We move on and stay in pole position going into another international break.
  20. Just keep doing the simple things right and the rest will follow. There is a player there.
  21. Observations on the 1st half. We genuinely need to tighten up at the back at the start of games. The guy looked offside but nevertheless... If we insist on not getting in behind and simply floating crosses in we need more bodies in the box apart from.Sakala. Bacuna needs to simply play a normal game and drop the flicks and tricks. He looks like a player who is trying too hard to impress as opposed to someone playing their natural game.
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