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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 3-1 going on 15-1. We need to start putting teams away as you know that regardless of how they are playing, they have the capacity to hammer teams. Thought we dropped our levels and intensity in the first part of2nd half. Lundstram also fell away during period coincidentally.
  2. I think that's 5 goals from the last 7 league games from Todd Cantwell. That's impressive. In anyone's language.
  3. Thoroughly deserved win and we should have been out of site tbh. Aberdeen truly are a horrible team to play against. It's like watching a Scottish version of Athletico Madrid.
  4. We were good but we didn't trouble the goalie enough IMO. I'd bring on Cortes for McCausland in the 2nd half. Aberdeen are pathetic. They must practice fallen over all week in training.
  5. Not MOTM material but I thought Silva looked good. His overall play was impressive IMO.
  6. Agreed. Any talk of "favourable fixtures" and the momentum being with us are folly and come with huge red flags IMO. Despite the positivity from yesterday, that lot are still above us and have a healthier goal difference. They also know how to do it in OF games. One game at a time Rangers fans.
  7. I've never understood it tbh. It's like leaving the cinema 10 minutes before the film finishes. Each to their own I suppose but it can't be very inspiring for the players.
  8. Apologies for not sifting through all 140 odd pages but I heard it being mentioned on a pod that the Turkish window closes on the 9th Feb therefore Ridvan could go after our window closes. Is this true?
  9. It's very rare for January window signings to have a significant impact immediately. No pre season, unfamiliar team mates, new country etc. I think that's why myself and many other fans are leaning towards Shankland. He's ready made for our league and will score goals in this team. I would hope we at least test Hearts resolve with a bid.
  10. It depends on who it is. I think that should be judged on certain factors including age and their market potential. One of those managers was Beale. The least said about his decision making the better. Barasic has been available for the last 3 games.
  11. Ridvan has had a few injuries but we've had managers who have just not given him a chance. Beale left him out of the Euro squad ffs. It's no surprise that he is showing good form because he's a getting a run of regular games.
  12. "Average" is still miles better than what Barasic has been offering us. I just think Ridvan has the capacity to get better, making him even more sellable. He also signed a 5 year deal.
  13. Dumbarton last sunday. Easter Rd on Wednesday. 3-1 victory against Kilmarnock (MOTM) Parkhead defeat.
  14. That's disingenuous. Ridvan has been excellent in many games recently. Not just 1 game.
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