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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. I presume this guy has had a hand in the glut of young players that have made it to the Ajax 1st team over the last few years? Apologies. Didn't hit the drop down on the article. This seems progressive and exciting IMO.
  2. I think the problem is more his application and fitness as opposed to his position. He is still carrying too much weight for me and this highlighted in his inability to get away from players.
  3. The bigger test will come on Sunday against an opponent (and on a pitch) where we have always struggled. That's where I would like to see a tangible change in attitude.
  4. Positive in parts but still worrying that we let a bang average team back into the game which made the last 20 minutes hard to watch tbh. Good to see the fans staying to the bitter end and not leaving early thinking that the job was done. Also strange to see GVB go straight up the tunnel and not acknowledge the fans. Maybe I missed him doing that?
  5. You're talking about form but basing it on very little game time. Form for me is assessed on games over a prolonged period of time. Do we have players under performing? Of course we do but IMO we need to play through this. We need to calm down a wee bit I think (including me). We have scored 10 goals in our last 2 league matches and sit 4 points ahead of everyone at this stage of the season having only lost 1 league game. Could it be better? Of course but let's see what effect the new manager can have on the players before making dramatic changes.
  6. If it's any consolation...Sparta got cuffed 4-0 at the weekend and have key players missing.
  7. Define form. He has had one good game for Scotland and had a few cameo appearances. Don't get me wrong, Patterson is undoubtedly the future but what if he comes in and makes an error. Does that render his form null and void?
  8. Apparently his work permit was ready yesterday but he choose to remain in the stands. That's according to Kevin Thomson
  9. Not forcing to their goalie make a save in the 2nd half was a worry for me. We had 70% possession but ultimately did heehaw with it. At least if their keeper has a MOTM performance (like Foster did a few years back) you can at least say we were unlucky. Today we were just poor.
  10. I have to be honest and say I could not give a damn about the League Cup or the the Scottish Cup for that matter. They are nice additions but they are short cup competitions that any team can win (ie. St. Jonstone) and don't come close to what matters... winning the league and some signs of progress in Europe. This is not being smart after the event. I just can't get worked about the cups unless we are playing the Tims or a treble is in the balance.
  11. If this continues, that won't be for long. We have Livingston, Hibs, Aberdeen, Celtic and Hearts away in the next round of fixtures. I think there is more chance of Shergar winning next year's Gold Cup than us taking maximum points from all those games.
  12. McGregor has been very poor this season IMO. One season too many?
  13. Sloppy, incoherent, wasteful, slow and aimless. This game all but sums us up this season. Maybe not the time for this but Morelos should have been sold if 16 million was on the table. We would be lucky to get anything over 2/3 million for him now. Oh well, at least Gio got a good view of what's ahead of him.
  14. Very big day for Tavernier and Goldson IMO. With no manager as such in the dugout, we will need our leaders on the pitch to step forward.
  15. Couldn't agree more. Apart from the occasional decent delivery he has been very average this season. 8 million? Yes please!
  16. What do you expect? A minute by minute update on discussions related to a new manager? IMO, this has been planned for a while. It's too coincidental that this all happens during an international break.
  17. The same goes the other way. You stated that this guy could be our Ronny Delia. That is equally facile.
  18. I would say Potter's career is comparable with Knutsen. Both have led smaller Scandanavian teams to European football with a clear vision and progressive football.
  19. Here is a link to that game Stewart
  20. Did she not do Who do you think you are? and discover her Dad was in the Timalloys and her mum was high up in the Orange Lodge? Something like that...
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