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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Good performance against a horrible team to play against. If we could reduce our attacks by 1 or 2 passes I think we would have scored more. I just feel we overplayed at times. Aribo was superb (what about the ball he took from the air?), Hagi worked tirelessly and Morelos was outstanding IMO. PS. Still disappointing to see so many fans leave so early. The stadium was nearly half full with about 5 minutes to play from what I could see. That must be quite disheartening for the players.
  2. St. Johnstone are a total pain in the ass to play against. We always seem to struggle against their wonderfully adventurous 4-6-0 system at Ibrox.
  3. Now that the dust has settled...it is utterly ridiculous that our "reward" for qualifying is a draw against a CL team. How many bites of the cherry to these rich clubs want?
  4. Brilliant fixture. The Westfalen Stadium is immense. It's great experience whatever happens.
  5. Randomly we have a good record V Dortmund. We have played them 8 times in Europe and have only lost once.
  6. GVB Played 6 W5 D1 L0 F12 A2 I think the most eyecatching stats are the goals against and the fact that we have scored first in every game. That wasn't happening under SG this season.
  7. I see the Muppets at the BBC are taking our win well. Not recognising the 7 pt gap before they kick off.
  8. Let's not forget Livingston away was before that. We've always struggled there.
  9. That feeling you have when The Rangers claim 3 pts in a tough away fixture, knowing that all the Tims were watching and they have yet to play...
  10. Goals aside, I think we have been poor. Our decision making is piss poor and our passing has been sloppy.
  11. Great start but we are giving away cheap possession. Hope it doesn't bite us on the arse.
  12. Both usually play on the left so it will be interesting to see who shifts?
  13. One significant change under GVB has been the ability to get the first goal in all his games, unlike SG last cluster of matches. I've said on here before. We turn up. We win. We are the bloody champions. Simple.
  14. Fashion usually comes in off the left, so is Kent on the right? Intriguing. Looks like we'll be set up to nullify Hearts and counter with the pace going forward? If not there won't be much room for Sakala and Kent to work with? Tynecastle is a tight pitch.
  15. I'm a proud Glaswegian but it should always be Rangers, not Glasgow Rangers.
  16. Been really snowed under with work and other things so I haven't paid much attention to our possible opponents in the next round. F**k me...are they all CL teams? How is that fair?
  17. Agree. London is an amazing city but it is not the greatest city on Earth by a long shot.
  18. Agreed. Apologies for bringing it to the fore again. Just feel we are too quick to almost write players off these days.
  19. Not comparing directly. Just highlighting that Paterson is far from the finished article.
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