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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. That's what's stood out for me. Apart from McGregor and Taylor, their team were all signed this season and many of their new players look like they have made an immediate impact.
  2. Wait a minute? We were poor before he came in to. We've been below par all season IMO.
  3. Agreed. Too many players let us down tonight. Tav and BB were dreadful. Aribo and Kent didn't turn up. Only pass marks were Arfield (for effort) and Jack IMO.
  4. Terrible. Terrible. Terrible. We need to have a good look in the mirror tomorrow but also look ahead now. They are 1pt ahead with 42 pts still to play for. Nothing has been won.
  5. I don't get people saying it's been a good window. It will only be a good transfer window if we win the league.
  6. What's happened to our offside trap? We used to play higher line and had a very well olied trap. Wtf happened? Had there been one offside?
  7. You can blame the manager all you want but how does excuse all the loose passes and bad touches.
  8. Calm down for goodness sake. He's had about a dozen games as manager with effectively another manager's team
  9. I can't blame McGregor for the 1st. Think he was thrown byvthecpjayers colkudingvthen the shot took a deflection
  10. Kent not making himself available at throw ins. Tav too eager to play speculative balls.
  11. Just need to settle down ffs. Borna giving their winger too much room.
  12. Don't think we have the defence to sit back and hit on the break
  13. Thought McGregor was injured? Anyway, if we turn up we stay at the top of the league come 10 o'clock
  14. I know it's all about us but who are they starting with?
  15. Would it be worth putting Ramsey on the bench tomorrow? Might inject a bit of positivity about the team?
  16. To quote that erstwhile gentlemen on Sky from a seasons back..."Rats pure won us ra leeg, so it hus"
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