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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Why choose? Go and win both! We are Rangers. We should never accept 2nd best in any game.
  2. If Rogic plays his usual 60 mins, Jack or Lundstrum have to be on it (and him) today
  3. Seeding doesn't count for much over 3 rounds as you will undoubtedly still have to play a very good team at some stage.
  4. Got to be the same team/shape and intensity as Thursday. I would swap Balugon for Bassey (Borna dropping out) and move the latter to LB. Hopefully Aribo has turned the corner and can continue to push on. If Aribo, Kent, Ramsey and Roofe are on it we win the game IMO. Post script....Hopefully Tav can deliver those near post corners for Aribo again. They are so hard to defend against as opposed to the high floaty ball to the back post we played in the last OF game.
  5. There is nothing to love or like about Simone and his team of cheating thugs.
  6. I think it's churlish to single out Goldson after last night. I thought he did well apart from one slight dip in concentration.
  7. Ha! Arfield will be breathing a big sigh of relief today. That was a sitter for the ages. Thankfully it didn't mean anything in the end. We could and should have scored 6 or 7 last night.
  8. Ouch! Nursing a mini hangover thanks to overdoing it last night with 3 celebratory beers (not much of a drinker these days...). What a brilliant footballing night of tension and what a performance! Intensity from the first whistle and players being brave on the ball. So many positives to take from the players overall attitude. If we continue with the same intensity, bravery and belief on Sunday, we won't be far away.
  9. Morelos would have run riot tonight IMO. That's not to say that Roofe had a bad game. He put some shift in tonight. It was also great to see Aribo looking like pre ANC Aribo.
  10. Was thinking the same thing Bill. There have been some outstanding victories/performances/games in Europe over the last 4 seasons.
  11. Be interesting to hear from fans present at the match. Atmosphere sounded amazing on TV.
  12. Considering his reputation, I thought he got most calls right. Apart from our first disallowed goal. The guy basically heads against Barasica hand which is a few inches away. What's he meant to do? I would also like to see the potential fowl on Bassey which led to their corner and subsequent goal.
  13. They were pro Rangers but were getting ahead of themselves by suggesting the tie was over. At no stage tonight was the tie over!
  14. Commentators on BT were determined to jinx us as they constantly talked about what we achieved before it was done.
  15. 10 or 9 men can change little in the overall game and action areas as players are generally removed from striking positions.
  16. Don't think the subs helped us tonight. Amazing to get through and fully deserved. Should have been about 8-1 in the end. Well done The Gers! Leipzig next!!!
  17. Barasic at LB worries me. Prefer Bassey in there. Far more aggressive in his play IMO.
  18. How do these fixtures fit in with the Europa League semi final and final? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Will the tims be heading to Japan again...?
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