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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Over 24 hours to go and I'm already a bag of bloody nerves. God knows what I'll be like prior to kick off. 😟😟😟😟
  2. Take some sun block mate. Been to Seville twice and it is the by far the hottest place I've been to in Europe. There is literally no air in the city. It's boiling from late May until October.
  3. Could one of the mods please merge this thread with the new post match Leipzig thread? Might make things less confusing for luddites like moi πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  4. He posted this on Instagram a few minutes ago....🀣🀣🀣🀣
  5. Apologies if this has been posted but has there been any updates on Roofe or Ramsey regarding tomorrow night?
  6. As much as weekend results prior to Euro games should be treated with caution, I think it is somewhat encouraging that a strong Leipzig team got turned over by a team currently sitting in mid table. Leipzig are still in the hunt for CL spot, therefore they had everything to play for.
  7. Did anyone manage to watch Leipzigs 3-1 defeat yesterday at the hands of Borussia Munchengladbach
  8. Been busy all day so have missed this story. What a truly sad loss for the club. Thoughts to all who knew him and his family. RIP Jimmy.
  9. Is that a comedy video? "Do you want ra jail wee man?" What a wonderful ambassador that gentleman is for our modern police force...
  10. Just a wee observation following on from yesterday's game. I think we had 7 corners in total yesterday and I think all were taken by our captain James Tavernier. Overall, considering what he can do with crosses on the run and other dead ball situations, I thought our corners were very poor. For some reason, we insisted on the high floaty cross to the back post which in turn had so much elevation, making it impossible for our players to get much power into their headers. This confuses and frustrates me (as a youth coach and fan). If we have Tav on one side and Borna on the other, why not pistol whip inswinging crosses into the 6 yard area? We know both players have a great delivery so why not utilise it at corners? I know we have used it sometimes to good effect with Aribo generally getting a flick on which causes panic in the opposition box. A corner at pace swinging into the goal has defenders and keepers not knowing what to do. The pace of the ball itself is a weapon as the slightest touch can result in a goal, own goal or just mass panic and I genuinely feel we are missing a trick here. Thoughts?
  11. Is that true? Deary me. That's insane.
  12. Another piece of tripe from the BBC Scotland web page... With the visitors looking out on their feet, Fashion Sakala fired them level to prolong the title race. Maybe I'm biased but at no stage did I think Rangers were out on their feet. There's only one team that should be levelled at.
  13. Agree 100% Bill. It was veritable cocktail of emotions that evening. Probably the closest any Rangers team will get to a CL final.
  14. Thursday is a night to write history and put yourself up there with the Bayern game in 1972. Our right back scored in 1 minute of that game. What's the chances of our current right back doing the same against German opposition? Pretty high IMO
  15. The closest thing I can remember to a situation like this would be CSKA Moscow in 93. At the start of the night we had the chance to reach a European final. Granted, it was out of our control in the end.
  16. I see the BBC Scotland online coverage is leading with Celtics missed chances. Still trying to recall McGregor making a worthy save or any chances beyond a Jota header from distance, a Meada header (bottled it) and a snapshot? If anything it would be us rueing or chances missed. Sakala off the post, Sakala making Hart save a high drive and then Hart saving from Arfield from close range.
  17. Possibly but my point still stands. We didn't lose the league because of that 3-0 game. If anything the 2-1 had more impact than the Parkhead game.
  18. Celtic and Rangers always have a OF drubbing in them. That's been the way for years and I wasn't surprised in the slightest when they turned us over 3-0. I was surprised however that we threw away games against Hearts, Motherwell, Aberdeen and Ross County. That's 8 pts down the drain. Not to mention other draws v Aberdeen and Dundee Utd.
  19. Thought the game was very similar to the Cup semi. Both teams having their moments in the first half with us taking control of the game in the 2nd half and looking the much fitter team. Either way, we didn't lose the league because of our results against them. We lost the league thanks to too many draws (especially from winning positions) against mediocre teams. This alßo happened under Gerrards watch to before he exited.
  20. I did notice that it was mentioned in the post match chat that Kyogo missed a glaring chance in the first half. Forgot to mention he was flagged for being a yard offside. On top of that, IMO Meada was well offside when he received the ball and blasted over the bar in the 2nd half.
  21. He also had a cracking shot that Hart tipped over the bar.
  22. Biggest take from that was our fitness and desire. We were first to most second balls in the 2nd half (like the Cup semi) and most of their attacking play was down to misplaced passes by us.
  23. Just listened to Clyde SSB and the consensus was that Celtic dominated the 1st half? Did I miss something?
  24. Well done. Couldn't really ask for more. Depleted front line but we bosses the game in the 2nd half and should be walking away with all 3 points. That's a moral victory in my eyes.
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