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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. That's what it looks liked to me. Almost the same as last week with a small sprinkling of ambition this time and a full house behind us.
  2. Aribo though the middle? Who from the midfield is going to support the front players? Looks like Gio has set us up to stay in the tie.
  3. Regardless of what happens tonight I hope the fans are there until the bitter end. The team deserve a full house no matter what. No empty seats at any stage!
  4. Dammit Ian! I thought you had an update on Roofe n Ramsey! You're usually first with all the scoops! 🤣🤣🤣
  5. Not a criticism. Just an observation 👌
  6. Powerful image. Poor Dallio didn't get the memo I see...
  7. The Bassey-Balugon-Barasic Conundrum... Sounds like an episode of the Big Bang Theory...
  8. Roofe is a fighter and suits games that are tight with little breathing space. Even to get 60/70 minutes from him would ne great. Sakala and Wright (to a lesser degree) are better later in games when the play is more stretched IMO as evidenced on Sunday at Parkhead.
  9. The word on the street or Edmiston Drive is that Roofe will make it tonight. Unconfirmed as yet...
  10. Why shouldn't we be confident? We've beaten some top class teams to get here and we deserve our chance. It's 90 minutes at home with a achievable deficit. The confidence is based on the evidence of what we've seen this season in Europe as well as as what we've built over the last 3/4 years. It's measured and quantifiable confidence as opposed to over confidence IMO.
  11. You probably can but that's coming from someone who tried make a call from my phone calculator the other day...
  12. Apologies. Doing it on a phone. Anyhoo, Madame Secretary, whit about the line up?
  13. 10 and half hours and counting... So, who to play? If declared fit, it has to be the team that started V Braga for me. ..................McGregor................ ........Goldson........Bassey......... Tav....................................Borna .........Jack........Lundstrum......... .....................Aribo....................... ......Ramsey...................Kent...... .......................Roofe....................
  14. How he failed to deal with Casimero was awful enough as he set a standard he could not maintain. This ultimately led to players getting booked for very little compared to Casimeros challenges. Other incidents of note were Modric failing to be booked for raising his hands and grabbing a players throat. Foden being barged from the back by the CB then being penalised. Adding 6 minutes of added time? Ok Walker was injured but 6 minutes was ridiculous. It was almost as if he wanted Real to score. He then failed to add enough time in ET to accommodate the antics of Militoa who was deliberately put on in ET to waste time. If we get a ref like that tonight I'll be raging. I've no love for City and how they've risen through the ranks but let's not put Real Madrid up there as a some paragon of virtue. There is a reason they have 13 European Cup wins. They have bent and massaged the rules for years with their finances to ensure their position as a premier European force. Anyway, I hope Liverpool destroy them.
  15. Roofe has recently posted a pic of him applauding the fans after Braga game (I think). Maybe a sign that he's going to make it?
  16. City bottled it again but tonight's ref was a shocker. Genuinely hope Liverpool destroy Madrid in the final and get revenge for 2018. Real are an odious club.
  17. Needs must. Went from sipping Rose to knecking it like water after Brava scored 🤪
  18. Got a 6 bottles of Peroni for the Braga game and had finished all 6 before half time. Polished off a bottle rose wine in the 2nd half as It was only thing we had in the house🤣🤣🤣
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