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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. I don't usually get this much time to think about games. It's killing me
  2. Noticed a huge bunch of bears stuck in between Frankfurt fans in the top corner. Anyhoo...Go Rangers!!!
  3. Where are the fans? Thought they would be in the stadium by now. Hearing rumblings of ticket issues
  4. I know it's possibly easier to comment on this with hindsight but I feel we have managed the team/squad in the last 3 league games well considering we have 2 finals around the corner.
  5. Sadly it will be probably in the house in the bedroom. I'll be a nightmare so I'll make sure I'm locked away from my family for the duration of the game. I want to remember the game as 2008 was a bit of a beery blur tbh.
  6. It's truly horrible. I'm not saying I am too superstitious but we've generally played keek in that strips for some reason.
  7. Is this confirmed Gonzo? Was having nightmares about that putrid lilac strip making an appearance in a Euro final.
  8. Horrible. Looks like a cheap training top. Saying that, most of the Castore strips look like cheap training gear (apart from this season's home kit)
  9. Seems strange to preview the 3rd kit for next season before the 1st and 2nd kit?
  10. I disagree 100%. If we win this it eclipses anything previously achieved by a Scottish team in Europe. The landscape of football gas changed so much in the last 30 years.
  11. Villa and Forest won the league the year before they won the European Cup? Forest retained it based on being on the previous years existing champions.
  12. I hear this a lot but seriously who wants to watch Valetta of Malta Vs Real Madrid in the European Cup? Better distribution of monies by having less places for the top leagues would be a better option IMO. Renaming the premier tournament would also help. Drop the champions league title and use something else.
  13. I get that but there is no point comparing today's European football with 50 years ago. They are two completely different scenarios. Back then you could win the European Cup by getting a decent draw and effectively playing 9 matches. We've played 18 games in Europe this season. Back then the financial disparity between leagues was smaller compared to the chasm that exists between the top leagues and us today. Dunfermline getting to a euro semi final proved that.
  14. I wonder why they have chosen to do this today as opposed to Wednesday night?
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