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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Agreed. Was there also something going on with our blue strip? Maybe it was my TV but it looked a total different shade of blue from earlier in the year (see pics). Not too impressed with Castore and from what I've seen of our strips for next season, that's not going to change. They've rather imaginatively come up with another all black strip as our away top. 2 seasons ago it was all black with orange trim, last season it was all black with red trim, next season it's all black with blue trim. And don't get me started on that orange training top that passes as a 3rd kit.
  2. I would have had him whipping in inswinging corners yesterday. His deliveries are like bullets.
  3. I'm not one for highlighting referees but some of the decisions today were beyond baffling. The one in the corner when Halliday took the feet away from Bassey was as clear a foul as you will see.
  4. WTF has happened? Looks like he's just been introduced to the game of football last week.
  5. Roofe for Davis. Lundstram drops deeper and Aribo drops back into the hole.
  6. Lundstrum or Davis need to come deep and make themselves available to our CBs.
  7. I see the wee f**ker on BBC has started early. "The carnage that ensued on wednesday". WTF?
  8. Agreed. Was only just pointing out the Kent thing as I have basically avoided anything to with the final since their winning penalty went in. Onwards and upwards. A wee Scottish cup victory will be a great bloody tonic.
  9. Apologies if this has been mentioned before but after watching the highlights again, did we have a fair shout for a pen when Kent missed in the last minute of ET. The defender basically piles through the back of him as he connects with the ball. Don't think the ref on Wednesday was giving much but another ref might have had a look at VAR. Clutching I know but I didn't even consider this on Wednesday through the tension.
  10. I'm the total opposite tbh. I'm buzzing about this game and I'm actually glad we have a match with a trophy at stake to help us get over Wednesday. Its time for us to win a cup!! C'mon Rangers!!
  11. I cannot wait for the game tomorrow. Hopefully we can shake off some of the fall out from Wednesday by lifting the cup. 🏆
  12. A little post script about Sevilla... there was a funny call on Clyde SSB last night. A Rangers fan was stating how proud he was of the team but we failed and we move on as a club. I'm paraphrasing but he was saying that there will be no plays at the Pavillion about Seville, no suites at Ibrox named after Seville etc. ie. We don't celebrate failure at Rangers like a certain other club does. There is a lot of truth in that IMO.
  13. Despite these facts and the searing heat, we finished the stronger team and looked fitter than them in ET.
  14. If we are in the blame game, what about the sitter Kent missed at the end? It was harder to hit the keeper. Either way I'm proud of our team but something wasn't right tonight. Too many players underperformed on the biggest stage. Tav looked like he had just taken up football yesterday. I also thought the fans were strangely subdued? It may have been different in the stadium but it came across that way on the TV.
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