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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Sorry to be pedantic pwick but why oh why are wearing this strip again? If anything this a clash with a light coloured top and dark shorts. We should be wearing our traditional blue.
  2. Or will Lundstrum drop back into a 3 man unite to allow Tav and Borna to get high up the pitch?
  3. It's too early with this new set up of players to know if this a good team or a bad team? Time will tell. C'mon Rangers!!
  4. Kent not making it is a huge blow. Who will play left side now? Lawrence? Sakala?
  5. He's bigger than I thought...🤣🤣🤣
  6. I wonder if Ajax fans are similar? Bassey was red carded after only 14 mins of his debut in a 5-2 cup defeat from PSV.(came on as a sub at 2-2)
  7. Souttar will be cover for Goldson surely? Or will he operate in a back 3? Only time will tell but I fully expect it to be Goldson and Davies if we start with a back 4.
  8. I'm not getting the logic here. Why do some require time to settle and some don't?
  9. Not to mention being played out of position Bill. Souttar played on the right side for Hearts.
  10. Does it matter? We got three points on a notoriously tricky ground/pitch for goodness sakes. That was our main objective on match day 1.
  11. So a new player has to effectively repeat his form immediately despite the added pressure of moving to a new club, with new surroundings and team mates. Are you at the wind up?
  12. Poor choices? I've highlighted two games that we threw away 4 pts. We got all three pts today. Very apt choices IMO.
  13. The away draws to Aberdeen, Ross County spring to mind. Draws in these games essentially handed the momentum to Celtic going into a crucial OF game.
  14. I would level this at all football fans of a certain age bracket ie. Those fans that have watched football and then recycle it via the madness that is social media.
  15. Do you mean Souttar on the right hand side? Did he not play there for Hearts?
  16. We won the game. Last season we drew certain games like that and ultimately let go of our league title. It's the first day of the season. 3pts is all that mattered.
  17. 3 pts. Job done. We move on and try to learn from that. Livi is always a tough game on that shitty pitch at anytime of the season, so to get the desired 3pts on the opening day with players missing, new and rusty players etc. is ok with me. Will we improve? Of course we will but we need to keep winning at all costs.
  18. Why the f**k are we wearing our away strip? There is no need to wear that eyesore today.
  19. 3 pts is the priority. Performance is secondary at this stage of the season.
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