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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Just a wee observation from last night. Killie are a very organised team that thrive off the reset after breaks in play IMO. If you cast your mind back to the 1st game of the season, Tav jogged about 50 yards to take a throw in, much to the ire of every fan watching. It played perfectly into Kilmarnocks hands. Game gets slowed down, they get to reset. Fast forward to last night. Dessers takes a quick throw immediately and Killie are on the back foot resulting in Lawrence getting fouled. Once again we get ball active right away and bish bosh, we get our 2nd goal. How times have changed...

  2. 5 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    You aren't, but there are others, who like me, think he (and Borna) are not good enough. 


    He may have brought "dynamism" to out LHS, but what are his goals / assists? I'm no stat man, but I'd say he hasn't brought any more goals or assists to the team than Borna Barasic has.


    When he has played well, I've acknowledged it, he played well on Saturday but was, IMO no where near MOTM. Lundstum, Dessers and Dio were all ahead of him. 


    Some think that because I don't rate Yilmaz, it means im a Borna Barisic fan. Far from it. Barasic has been a great servant, but his time has come and gone.


    It's no coincidence that we attempted to sign a left back in January and IMO it'll be the 1st position we strengthen in the summer.


    If Ridvan starts / continues to improve, starts to add goals and assists then I'll happily "eat my hat", until then, I'll refrain from the Ridvan is on fire narrative. 

    I'm not too fussed about his stats tbh. I'll go with the eye test and I can see a player that definitely suits this team better than BB. Let's not forget, BBs stats for assists where only half decent due to law of averages as something positive was bound to happen from the 394 crosses per game we were witnessing under Beale Ball. 🤣🤣

  3. 3 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    One or two slight surprises but, changes or otherwise, it's a strong team for arguably our toughest test of the year so far. Minutes for Barisic useful ahead of Euro matches and plenty creativity in the side against a Killie side that will defend stoutly, hit on the counter and carry a threat from set-pieces. We'll have to be at our best again.


    Come on the Rangers!

    Ridvan is in the adjusted Euro squad so there is less requirements for Borna to get game time for the Europa League.

  4. 1 minute ago, RANGERRAB said:

    Hmm…..I’m starting to get concerned about the number of changes made each game. Surely we get a best starting XI and stick to it as much as possible 

    I agree. For me this is a crucial game and I would start with Ridvan. He's clearly our best LB and we are a better team with him in the team IMO. I get rotation and the need for it however would Borna not be better coming in for home games against bottom 6 teams?

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