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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Just a wee observation from last night. Killie are a very organised team that thrive off the reset after breaks in play IMO. If you cast your mind back to the 1st game of the season, Tav jogged about 50 yards to take a throw in, much to the ire of every fan watching. It played perfectly into Kilmarnocks hands. Game gets slowed down, they get to reset. Fast forward to last night. Dessers takes a quick throw immediately and Killie are on the back foot resulting in Lawrence getting fouled. Once again we get ball active right away and bish bosh, we get our 2nd goal. How times have changed...
  2. Said it last night but what's the bets we end up at Rugby Park again after the split? It's also pleasing to see Aberdeen stumble again which hopefully wwill put another dent in their top 6 chances.
  3. This might be an unpopular opinion but I was quiet impressed with Kilmarnock last night. I get the pitch being a leveller but they go about their business in a direct, aggressive and organised manner. They clearly have a good level of belief when facing the OF teams and their results back that up. Some other teams in Scotland should take note.
  4. I'm not too fussed about his stats tbh. I'll go with the eye test and I can see a player that definitely suits this team better than BB. Let's not forget, BBs stats for assists where only half decent due to law of averages as something positive was bound to happen from the 394 crosses per game we were witnessing under Beale Ball. 🤣🤣
  5. Those 3 going on meant that it has the same starting XI that skelped Hearts. That's what we should have started with tonight.
  6. Hopefully the manager has learned tonight that rotation may work in small doses but maybe Rugby Park is not the place to do it. Definitely got his starting XI wrong.
  7. He's been good for a while Cammy and has brought dynamism to our left side IMO. I'm not alone in that opinion.
  8. Watching football played on that pitch should be used as a torture device. Knowing our luck we'll get Killie away in the post split fixtures despite playing there twice already. Its happened before with Pittodrie.
  9. I don't want to see this game again. I don't want to even hear anyone discuss any aspect of this game. It was horrible on all levels and that pitch should get banned immediately. 3prs are all that matters. Next!
  10. Give it up FFS. He was fantastic on Saturday. Take your Borna blinkers off.
  11. Tav and Goldson don't get rotated. Why Yilmaz? He's on fire at the moment.
  12. I genuinely hope we don't regret rotating tonight. Why drop Yilmaz?
  13. Awful. Not sure what we are trying to do here but it's definitely not working. Dessers on, Silva as a 10, Ridvan on for Borna. Wide players doing nothing as they are playing on the half way line.
  14. And we should gave won both games. 2 goals up in both games I recall...
  15. Ridvan is in the adjusted Euro squad so there is less requirements for Borna to get game time for the Europa League.
  16. The pitch won't be the only additional hurdle we face tonight. I've just driven up the A77 to Glasgow and the rain was very heavy.
  17. I agree. For me this is a crucial game and I would start with Ridvan. He's clearly our best LB and we are a better team with him in the team IMO. I get rotation and the need for it however would Borna not be better coming in for home games against bottom 6 teams?
  18. Surprised Ridvan and Stirling have been rested but in Clement we trust.
  19. One for the more eagle eyed fans or anaroks out there... If you want to run your eyes over Benfica, they kick off at 6pm tonight (not sure who their opponents are).
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