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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Some additional post match thoughts. I thought we were somewhat guilty of over doing it today when in the final 3rd. There were many occasions when the attacking player had a clear shot on goal but incomprehensibly decided to make yet another pass. Early days though. Albeit he had little to do defensively, Davies looked assured and wasn't too shy at looking for the forward pass with his left peg.
  2. Good day at the office. Good to see the new boys all make a decent contribution. On top of that, I had a tenner on the 3 English Premiership draws, which came to £342. Thanks Joe Aribo!
  3. Kent missing. Wright and Matondo on flanks. Is Kent injured? He's not even on the bench.
  4. Is this for real? Iconic indeed...🤣🤣🤣😋🤣
  5. Thought United were still in it until the 7th went in...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. Sounds good. I might dust this off for the night...
  7. Can someone please get James Taverniers actual boots? He looks like he's put someone else's on.
  8. Amazing firepower. When did Jim Forest enter the fray? His records are also outstanding. Did he not score 58 goals in one season (64-65 I think?)
  9. Remember when the Tims wrote off Larsson after his misplaced pass set up an early defeat against Hibs?
  10. Or Morelos, Lundstrum, Jack, Bassey to name a few of the more recent roster of players.
  11. I would say that judging a player who has literally just arrived in the country, who doesn't know his team mates, may not speak English, who is thrown into a somewhat dysfunctional team (at the moment), after 60 minutes of football is very rash indeed.
  12. I'm a bit concerned about the contribution by Ridvan Yilmaz. What does he offer that we don't already get from Barisic? It's not even ninety minutes but I didn't see anything to suggest there might be more to come. You made these comments based on 60 minutes of SPL football. If that's not a rash judgement, then I don't know what is. Saying that, you also said John Souttar did not need time to settle in.
  13. He did ok. No more or no less than Barasic but he has literally played about 60 minutes of league football. I wouldn't make rash judgements on that amount of game time. Do we ever learn?
  14. For a moment, I thought you were seriously assessing this new player on his first 60 minutes against a team that had little interest in getting over the half way line?
  15. The team in Europe at the end of last season would destroy this team at Ibrox. Unfortunately, we are miles off that level at the moment but I still fully expect to win the game on Tuesday. Whether that will be enough to progress is a different matter.
  16. Spoke directly to the TV licence people and openly stated I don't watch any BBC out put and don't watch any live TV. They then provided me with a letter stating that I didn't require a licence. Why pay 150 a year for something I never use?
  17. Don't bother. Get an official exemption letter from the TV licence people. It's easy. Don't watch or listen to any output from the BBC. Simple.
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