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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Oh I get it... My comments are not a judgement on Ridvan. He's not played enough to judge him but if we are spending 5 million on an International player I would expect him to go straight into the team. It's seems to be no problem for the Tims.
  2. I'm also rather bemused by the fact that we've spent nearly 6/7 million on 2 guys that have been bit part players so far. Granted Davies has a knock but I thought we were signing Ridvan based on the premise that he was upgrade on Barasic. It seems he is regarded as a player with potential. Can we afford to pay that money for a player with potential?
  3. I'm genuinely surprised we haven't explored options for an additional striker. If Colak picks up a knock we have an overweight striker who is nowhere near match fit or we have a striker that sadly spends most of his time on the treatment table. It's a risky strategy IMO.
  4. I should think so. He cost a fair wad and has nearly 60 top flight games to his name (Including 6 full internationals).
  5. I would hope it is a bit more imaginative and creative than that.
  6. Hard to get enthused about this game considering the 4 games that follow. The next 4 games after this will go a long way to shaping our season IMO.
  7. Will the Tims be playing their away game in Ukraine? Hopefully a neutral venue like Baku...
  8. Just a wee observation regarding Liverpool. Klop tends to play quite experimental teams in the CL depending on what Match day it is (And if they have qualified). It will be interesting to see when we play them in the fixture schedule.
  9. Are Napoli not unbeaten at home in the CL over the last 3 years?
  10. Bigger picture perspective... Hopefully this victory will be the shot in the arm we need to wake from our domestic lethargy.
  11. Dont really like to single out players on a night like this but I thought Goldson, Sands and Kamara were excellent. They've come in for a lot of criticism but they were fantastic. The CBs were immense in the second half.
  12. He would be World class if he was quicker. And took less touches.
  13. 1978 - PSV 2 Rangers 3 1999 - PSV 0 Rangers 1 2011 - PSV 0 Rangers 0 2022 - PSV 0 Rangers 1 They really must hate us....
  14. Outstanding Rangers. Take a bow. Oh and GIRFUY to all Tims wetting their pants over 40 million. I bet you are spewing.
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