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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Just out of interest, can anyone pinpoint the last signing we made that has actually improved our team?
  2. Big month ahead for Gio and the team. Champions League games evey week sandwiched between away trips to Aberdeen and Hearts. Oh well. The league is all but over before it even started.
  3. I like Kent but I'm starting to veer towards the school of thought that wonders what he actually does? He's busy and drags players towards him but at the moment his end product has evaporated. Jota will score over 13/15 goals this season for the Tims. Kent will be lucky to beat his 2 goal league haul from last season.
  4. Agreed. The league is over and we're 3 days into September. Their GD is also miles ahead if ours. Oh well.
  5. The damning thing is, most of their players just needed to be ordinary today. We were gift wrapping their goals by dawdling on the ball instead of clearing and sleeping at throw ins.
  6. If our main striker is not scoring, it's hard to see where the goals are coming from. The Tims get goals from all over the pitch. We have a clutch of midfielders who probably average 1 or 2 goals per season.
  7. Not sure if we can read too much into it but we signed 7 players in the summer and not one player finished that game. Granted some are injured but IMO we seem to excell in adding to our squad with squad players as opposed to players that are an upgrade on what we already had.
  8. That passage of play with Tav trying to pass to Wright summed up our day. Awful.
  9. Is it wise to put on a tempestuous and overweight striker on when you are chasing a 3-0 deficit?
  10. Will changing the personel alert us to the fact that every time they take a free kick/throw in, we are sleeping. Wake the f**k up Rangers. We are not even testing their back line.
  11. Celtic will probably expect us to sit back initially so let's push a slightly higher line and take the game to them. As Bill said earlier, tempo is key.
  12. Send this to the Rangers dressing room today. No other words needed.
  13. I think we are due a big Ryan Kent performance. I get that he pulls players here and there but I feel he needs to work the keeper more when in good positions (as opposed to his standard row Z efforts).
  14. Kamara to push forward from the 3. Kamara is good on the half turn and also good at getting fouled.
  15. Morelos is nowhere near fit enough to start a game of this magnitude. And let's not even begin to talk about his mental state...
  16. Early days but I haven't been overtly impressed by him so far. Hopefully just taking time to adjust
  17. If you can control the midfield in these games you generally come out on top. Davis, Kamara and Lundstram works for me.
  18. Davis is a calm head when all around will be bedlam. And he is an exceptional footballer as he proved on tuesday. If we can get 60 minutes from him, I'll be happy.
  19. Agreed. We can't afford any passengers or players getting caught on the ball. Big calls to make from Gio.
  20. I like Tillman a lot but feel he is still too slow on the ball and takes too many touches. That won't work in today's game IMO. If he plays, I hope he proves me wrong.
  21. Airfield has to start IMO. He's our biggest goal threat after Colak and Tav. Kent seems to have forgotten where the goals are. ---------- McLaughlin--------- -----Goldson-------Sands----- Tav---------------------Barasic -------Davis---Lundstram------ -------------Arfield------------- Wright----------------------Kent ---------------Colak------------ Tillman is still too slow IMO. Davis and Arfield are warriors who knows these games well.
  22. I can imagine the inflated energy prices are also impacting our spending. How much energy is used to keep grounds operational? It must be substantial.
  23. I quoted Han Solo before the PSV game as I genuinely had "a bad feeling about this". Oh ye of little faith. That being said, I have a similar bad feeling about tomorrow however that's more an irrational OF thing. If we had just won the treble and the Champions League and the Tims were struggling at the bottom of the league, I would still be anxious about going to that dump.
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