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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. And are unbeaten st home in the CL over the last few years if I'm not mistaken? They dismantled Liverpool last season in Naples and IMO, this will be a very difficult game.
  2. I think the best we could hope for tomorrow is scrappy draw or a low scoring defeat. We need Kent to show up. He's had a very poor start to the season IMO.
  3. After watching Real dismantle the Dhims tonight, you do wonder about the step up in class. Real looked like they were playing a different sport at times.
  4. Who knows with this team? Sneak a win/draw at Ajax, then draw/lose at Aberdeen. I would not be surprised.
  5. Exactly. And don't get me started on our one dimensional corners...
  6. John McLaughlin. He was the only player that found someone with a pass... Oh wait...
  7. The league is over. This is not based on yesterday but the fact that our overall away record is piss poor. We've backed ourselves into a corner which means we simply cannot afford to drop points. Can anyone see this team going on a 15 20 match winning streak? Last season and our form this season suggest otherwise.
  8. If that's the case, then it's even more concerning.
  9. We have about 30 coaches on the sidelines and yet no-one made the players aware that Celtic were tactically using quick throws and free kicks. To be honest everyone should be have been aware after the first time but when it happened again and again, that was criminal.
  10. Where is the Roofe on the road to recovery? Not heard much
  11. Might be too early but it may be best to look ahead... Ok. Who starts in goal? Is McLaughlin finished? I'm torn tbh Mods feel free to retitle etc.
  12. GVB seems to have merely adopted the same 4-3-3 system that was aleady showing staleness under Gerrard. Watching us grinding through the gears using much of the same methods yesterday was excruciating to say the least. Celtic were excellent yesterday in all departments but I would also state they were aided and abetted with our slow, sometimes suicidal and one dimensional play.
  13. I admire your optimism but our recruitment over the summer has only compounded my fears. We shall see.
  14. Title race? Is there one? They are already 5 points ahead with a healthy GD. We have to to go to Pittodrie and Tynecastle in 2 of our next 3 league games. I would be gobsmacked if we get 6 pts from those 2 games, especially given the fact they are sandwiched between a glut of demanding CL fixtures. The league is over IMO. It was put out of its misery yesterday but was fatally wounded at Easter Road. They are simply not going to drop points against anyone else. We had to go into this game on level terms but we entered the game knowing that they were ahead already. To be honest, the fixtures have not been kind. If we were to pick our 5 toughest away fixtures in this league I would gather that the majority of fans would say Parkhead, Pittodrie, Easter Rd. Tynecastle and Livvies plastic monstrosity. Its curious how they have all popped up in 5 of our 9 opening fixtures. Does Peter Liewell have shares in the technology that decides the fixtures?
  15. Yes you can. If you have the right players who fit in to a coherent system. At this stage, I'm not sure what our system or playing identity is under Gio.
  16. I think it's more telling that basically everyone that their manager has brought in has made an immediate and consistent impact. Jeso, Hatate was basically off the taxi from Glasgow airport and destroyed us in an OF game. Even the the guy they signed this week came in the cup and fitted in seamlessly.
  17. At least our throw ins and corner kicks are hugely effective...🙄
  18. What trophy? I couldn't give a flying f**k about the cups. Jesus Christ, St. Johnstone won 2 cups recently. The league is all that matters. Domestic cups are nice days out but meaningless baubles in the end.
  19. This. With huge f**king bells on it. Well said sir.
  20. I have to agree Bill but regardless of the quality of our opponents the commitment and lethargy of some of our players was shocking. I would say all of the goals were somewhat self inflicted and were preventable if we are on it today. That's not to say that Celtic would not have won but if you insist on handing gifts to a talented team you will get punished. I had my reservations about our transfer business prior to the window closing and I think I will be proven right. I'm sure we've signed some players that will come good but to enter a season that will include CL football with Colak as our only focused and fit striker was criminal IMO. Even more so when we have a £5 million pound back up player on the bench (not a criticism of Ridvan BTW).
  21. Gio even mentioned this in his post match interview but somehow this wasn't communicated onto the players on the pitch. Baffling.
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