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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Go on Rangers. Regardless of the result, make us proud.
  2. Trialling Lundstram as a spare defender worked ok in the Europa League last year.
  3. Not sure what we learn from trying any formations in secondary cup competitions that no one cares about?
  4. Good shout. Tillman is still too slow IMO. Morelos is also great at getting fouls.
  5. Hmmmm...not really sure about the team. Are we going a back 3 with 2 high wing backs?
  6. A few players hopefully with something to prove ie. Kent and Davies
  7. Liverpool starting with Nunez, Diaz, Jota and Salah 😳😳😳
  8. Not holding out for much but regardless of the score I hope the levels of commitment are equal to that of the Napoli game and not the Ajax game. Liverpool's defence is all over the place so hopefully a few good diagonal balls from Davies and Goldson into the full back areas for Kent and A. Nother to exploit. You never know...😃
  9. As much as I will always take great pleasure in any defeat for them, I greet this news with a huge serving of caution. A slip by your rivals in a 2 horse race should be welcomed as an opportunity to take advantage but the way we are operating at the moment, I simply have no confidence in what WE are doing to be able to head to Tynecastle in a confident mood.
  10. Gattuso. A no from me. We don't need passion. We need someone who has a clear playing style. Someone that can play attractive attacking football with an identity. Dyche. Another no from me. Dyche has carved an admirable managerial career but the majority of his high points have been with a team that he set out to frustrate and punch above their weight. With Rangers he has to win every game. I won't win any friends on here but I would take the big Aussie over the other side of the city in a bloody heartbeat. He clearly has an eye for a player and the majority of his transfer business have hit the ground running because they have a clear understanding of what the team is meant to be doing. Colak aside, most of our summer business has not added anything to our team.
  11. Another midfielder at that end of the pitch is not what's going solve any of our current woes. That's a hard pass from me.
  12. One for the students of overseas football...Why exactly did Gio's reign at Feyeroord come to an end? I recall some snippets and second hand tit bits from the hacks in Scotland when he was appointed but not much else.
  13. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Deary me. In my defence, it's been a long week at work...
  14. Cracks? More like a chasm from what we've witnessed over the last 2 weeks.
  15. That was painful to watch. Hanging on against a team that have shipped goals galore. Our team is utterly devoid of any creativity or enguinity. There is not one player that increases your pulse rate or gets you off your seat. It truly is brutal. Saying all that...as bad as we were today, it must be demoralizing for players (that are clearly struggling) to see a half empty stadium with 5 mins to go in a game that is on a knife edge. I'm genuinely starting to worry about our manager. As much as we want young players to get game time, I'm always somewhat wary when they are thrown into a struggling side. King looks a decent option but if Davies is fit enough for the bench, he's fit enough for the starting XI. I presume our substantial outlay on him was with a partnership with Goldson in mind? Why not get him in? I'm also still not convinced as some others seem to be by Tillman. IMO he's far too slow on the ball.
  16. Signs of progression in our playing style with new faces coming in to improve the team. If we had both of those we would be challenging for the league. Unfortunately we have gone backwards and have no real identity as a team and our summer recruitment has made little or no impact. The title is gone.
  17. Each to their own. Either way it sounds like we are in agreement, can we just get on with the football? Our team is a mess. That should be our priority. Not additional tributes to the previous monarch.
  18. National Anthem and minutes silence again before the game today. TBH, I wish we would move on. It was done on Wednesday. No need to go over this again IMO.
  19. A solid defensive partnership would benefit us more...
  20. Agreed. I have to be frank and say that the notion of getting remotely excited for a home match v Dundee Utd. is miles away at the moment. The last three games have not just burst my bubble of optimism, they have obliterated it. I struggling to see where this team goes from here.
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