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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. A fit Roofe would add lots to our team. So would a focused Morelos to be fair.
  2. I have my first dental appointment in almost 3 years tomorrow. I fear the worst after as I have developed pain in my wisdom tooth. Saying that, I predict that it will be a more enjoyable experience than what I witnessed tonight.
  3. Despite scoring early, I think we've maintained a decent tempo. We just need more quality from Morelos, Sakala and Tav.
  4. I can imagine this is the sort of fair we can expect until the WC.
  5. Behave. One swallow doesn't make a summer. He still needs to show more (as do many players tbh).
  6. Well done young man. Now, you've shown us what you can do, go and bloody do it more often.
  7. I'm starting to think after countless games of waiting for it to happen, Mr Kent is just a bang average player.
  8. We're playing like a team that's got players missing, low on confidence and lost 7 goals in midweek. That, it seems is where we're at. Hmmmm...
  9. Cant think of many times that Gio has played only one holding midfielder from Lundstram, Jack, Davis or Kamara.
  10. Possibly but it doesn't alter the fact that he needs 5 touches and half a minute to work out what he wants to do.
  11. I hope so. Arfield displsyed more intent in 45 mins on Wednesday than Tillman has shown all season. He's just too slow and ponderous. He's also weak physically IMO. One major post script from Wednesday was the difference in physicality between Liverpool and us. We were bouncing off their players like wee boys. Even Colak looked feeble against their CBs.
  12. I don't think it just comes down to spending. If a manager has a clear plan and playing style that he can get the players to believe in, it can be done. Celtic are not spending on fortunes on A-star players. They have a manager with a clear plan. One year in and I'm still trying to work out what Gio's plan is. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I know it can be horses for courses (especially the transition from SPL to Europe) but why don't we just use the same mantra and formation in every SPL game? He just tinkers too much for my liking and this is detrimental to consistency and momentum. For example, I have no clue who will start today. That's not because of injuries, that's because he doesn't know what his best formation is.
  13. With the World Cup interrupting the season, hopefully Goldson will only miss the 6 league fixtures leading up to the tournament.
  14. Bruges through to the last 16. Top of the group which includes Leverkusen, Athletico Madrid and Porto. We've beaten 3 Belgian teams over the last 3 years. And we've beaten Porto. Just saying...
  15. Must have been some half time team talk by Gio. Liverpool's class shone through in the end but why did we stop doing the things that were reaping rewards in the 1st half? Not singling him out but merely just an observation...Tav was very poor tonight. PS Gutted for Goldson
  16. I think most fans were asking for an increase in effort and application and that's what we've got tonight. We need to keep the pace up to maintain our threat in the game. And attack their bloody full backs!!
  17. I like the look of Davies with Goldson. It has more balance than Sands and Goldson IMO.
  18. I'm surprised that Rangers have sanctioned the use of Ibrox for this bollocks. I'd rather remove my eyes with a garden trowel than listen to that sh*t.
  19. Still not sure how to process last night. No disgrace to lose to team like Liverpool but I just wish we were slightly more ambitious.
  20. That being said, not overly impressed by Darwin Nunez. He's no Mane.
  21. Tillman looks like a unit but my 8 year old daughter could knock him off the ball.
  22. With a wee bit more ambition, we could have caused them more problems IMO. Tillman is a waste of a jersey so we are playing 10 v 11. I never expected anything other than a defeat therefore let's look at the positives.. 1. It was only 2 goals and both came from dead balls. 2. Goldson, Davies and King were outstanding. 3. McGregor. Enough said. Let's move on and at least give them something to think about at Ibrox.
  23. Not away from home in Europe. Dortmund aside we were pretty lacklustre in most of our EL away games (Red Star, Braga, Leipzig).
  24. I think the shape has worked ok but our decision making at times has been poor and we've played ourselves into trouble. Oh well. 1-0 is better than 3-0 (Ajax)
  25. Tillman is a waste of a jersey. He should be pressing but just strolls. Rather Morelos on right (with Colak up top) or Arfield. At least he would run things down.
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