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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Thanks. For a moment there, I thought someone was going to come back with a nonsensical answer...
  2. I know I'll, regret this but why oh why would you not want a manager that has repeatedly succeeded in various top leagues around Europe. Whilst playing amazing football. Whilst breaking records. Whilst showing passion.
  3. I don't care WHO the next manager is tbh. As long as he can bring some fresh ideas and show progression with this under performing group of players, I'll be happy. First point to address on the agenda...can we end the current obsession with floaty corners? We have players that can deliver good dead balls but insist on diluting the potential impact of these by using these pointless out swinging dead balls. Oh...and win more games. Score more goals. Run more kms. Show more desire. Increase the tempo...etc. etc...
  4. Whovever it is, please ensure that he is not an ex player. Let's look forward not back.
  5. Great topic but can I throw this out there...is it necessary to do align a brand to a football team? We are obviously talking about Rangers here but can anyone actually define with any great clarity a "brand" associated with another football club. What is Celtic's brand? What is Liverpool's brand? And for that matter teams like Motherwell? It seems to me we are looking for answers to a question that cannot (and doesn't need to) be answered.
  6. My love affair with football is already dwindling. The idea of Sean Dyche coming to the SPL to win ugly with Rangers would be the final nail in the coffin.
  7. As ever John, your post hits the nail directly on the head. Bravo sir.
  8. Is it to cut the players hair...?
  9. Deliberately turned my phone off and took my kids out for the day. (Lunch + Black Panther 2). Got home and turned my phone on and I'm not surprised in the slightest.
  10. Not sure whats more depressing...how predictable we are or the fans leaving in their thousands with 10 minutes to go.
  11. My god...we are an exceedingly average football team.
  12. When we get a corner it doesn't even register with me as a potential opportunity to gain an advantage. Our dead balls are so unimaginative and predictable. Much like the team I suppose.
  13. I note with interest that Emery has already got a tune out of Villas under performing squad with a 3-1 home win over Man Utd...
  14. Farewell Gio. Thanks for some truly amazing European memories but domestically we have been dreadful since you have taken the team on board. Oh well...
  15. An all too familiar tale. Loads of the ball but doing nowt with it. Opposition score with their first shot on target. Typical.
  16. I think Ridvan was bought as an potential investment. Possibly with a view to selling him on at a high price sometime in the near future as he was very highly regarded in Turkey.
  17. "Rewind back to the start of the season and the outlook was much brighter. Yes, we'd lost important players such as Bassey and Aribo to big money moves but we had strengthened the squad as well" Did we actually strengthen in terms of quality? IMO we added more players without actually any great quality that would improve our starting XI. For example, is Matondo an improvement on Sakala? From what I've seen, he's an infererior version.
  18. Wait...they scored 4 goals, conceded 15 and finished with the lowest number of points ever for a Celtic team in the CL and they are wrapping this up as some kind of "victory"? We were rank but at least we are know it.
  19. If our players were more ruthless (and better quality) we could have entered double figures today with ease.
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