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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. The large outlay on him for him not to play is baffling but ultimately I can't make any judgement on him based on the scraps he's been thrown this season.
  2. Yilmaz has shown nothing? Can I ask what you are basing this on? Surely not a collection of appearances in the third (rate) trophy and a few league cameos. He's literally had no go time to make such an assessment.
  3. I get that football is results driven business but if GVB was still our manager the gap would be far bigger.
  4. I can't agree. Since Beale has come in, all 4 OF games have been closely fought out. No capitulations but ultimately our fate has been self inflicted IMO. An abundance of silly mistakes and missed opportunities. I think most observers would agree that we deserved something from most of these games.
  5. It's safe to say that Sakala has proven that he is not good enough. He has enthusiasm, energy and pace but he is just not clinical enough when we need him to be.
  6. No strikers of any quality. No goals. Our biggest threat I the last 2 OF games has been Tavernier. Says it all really.
  7. We are effectively playing with 10 when Morelos is on the pitch. And how many of their goals over the last 6/7 OF games have we gifted them?
  8. Staggered to see on here that a few consider Jack should stay. I like Jack a lot but any thoughts of us overtaking the Tims should not involve a guy that is injured as much as he plays.
  9. I checked the BBC website just before HT whilst doing a bit of gardening. With them being 1-0 up I fully expected an avalanche of goals. I then checked back at 5 o'clock and to my surprise there was literally no mention of their game in the headlines. I knew right away it must be down to them drawing or getting beat. They are so pathetically predictable.
  10. A team with a few notches up in quality would have destroyed them yesterday. We just need to find players that can increase our quality levels and have a direct impact on the first XI. Easier said than done mind... IMO we have been playing with a dysfunctional strike force for too long. Morelos' physical and mental condition impacts his effectiveness greatly. Colak has lost any momentum gained during the initial part of the season and is somewhat one dimensional. Sakala is hit and miss (more miss IMO).
  11. I don't think our playing from the back was good enough today and was always going to cause a problem. It's a risky strategy at best but we played ourselves into trouble too many times today.
  12. Just watched the highlights. Their defender definitely heads the ball off the other defenders arm before Morelos takes his shot.
  13. Not to dwell on VAR or individual moments but when Alfie had the shot at the start of the 2nd half it looked to me as if the Celtic defender headed it against the arm of the other defender. Has anyone else seen a replay of this?
  14. More worried about his fitness, attitude, application and lack of goals at the moment tbh
  15. God knows why but I have a feeling in my water/gut that we will get a result today. ie A win. The odds suggest that we need to actually turn up at their ground at some stage as we have been posted missing on 2 of the last 3 occasions. For that to happen we need the right team selection and key players to turn up (Kent, Tillman, Tav, Cantwell, Sakala. whoever...)
  16. Surely Beale must have the best win ratio for any new Rangers manager in a long, long time? 15 league games, 14 wins, 1 draw.
  17. Sloppy but another3 points. 14 wins and a draw (which should have been a win) from 15 league games is not bad for a new manager coming in during a season.
  18. Possibly the same person that scheduled the LC final at the same time as France game.🤨
  19. Apart from the sloppy goal we lost, I thought the game was almost a carbon copy of our recent Tynecastle victory. Lots of slick passing and moving, lots of chances created but not enough them converted. That could and should have been 7 or 8 tonight.
  20. I agree. Just pointing out that all 4 had a bad game. If 2 have a bad game at least the other 2 might turn up. Just disappointed that none of them showed their true potential today.
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