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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Not sure Bill. Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water and all that...
  2. I can't this seriously. You're citing at least 3 players that downed tools long before Beale was on board.
  3. Possibly but that comes with an inflated price IMO. I hate to use our nearest rivals as an example but from their transfer dealings over the last 2 seasons, I think they've only recruited two players from England.
  4. You have to wonder why he went from playing and scoring for a team that regularly played in Europe to the the Thai league but my point still stands. There are gems to unearthed out there.
  5. Might not be the answer but we need to box clever in the transfer market. Focusing on the English Championship seems awfully myopic IMO.
  6. How does anyone see us line up next year? --------McCrorie/Another------- -----Goldson-------Davies------- Tav-----------------------Ridvan ------------Lundstrum----------- -----Raskin-----------Cantwell--- -------Whole new front 3---------
  7. I genuinely feel we need to widen our search for talent as the majority of the players we have been linked with are playing in the overpriced English Championship. For example, I was looking at this guy the other night. Frank Castañeda. He's a Coloumbian forward/winger who played in the CL for Sherrif a few years back. For some reason or another he's went from one free transfer to another. He now plays in Poland and 500k would probably secure him.
  8. Good luck to him but this suits all parties. Time waits for no (somewhat out of condition) man and all that...
  9. Gio was not the answer but he was responsible for some truly wonderful Europa league nights that I will never forget.
  10. Hopefully he will learn. Remember SG had over 15 years of media training in his locker before becoming a manager. And it showed.
  11. Agree 100%. He was always looking forward which pleases me. With more games and confidence, hopefully we can see why we invested heavily in him.
  12. To be fair to both players, it worked sometimes. Considering they've never played that way before you could see some glimmer if an understanding. Ultimately their lack of quality (and confidence) let them down. Personally I would have Wright in a central role to give their CBs something to think about.
  13. That would be ideal as any available cash has to go in other areas of the pitch.
  14. Singing a song which asks a celestial sky fairy to save an entitled pensioner who rides a gold carriage and wears a crown of jewels is also bit weird tbh.
  15. The damning thing is that he's not looked interested for a good while.
  16. Be inventive. Play Wright in a central role? Promote a B striker? Play Tav up top? Anyone but Morelos. Anyone that can run.
  17. Please keep Morelos away from the Celtic game. Throw in a young player who will at least be willing to run.
  18. Predictable first half from us considering the season we've had and what's at stake here. We lack a focal point up top. Ridvan looks busy and is growing in confidence IMO.
  19. Looking to see what Ridvan can do. The same goes for Hagi. I've always regarded Hagi as someone who flatters to deceive. Loads of talent but can he be consistent?
  20. Nope. We need a rebuild and the 6 million we would be using could be used for 3 players. Oh and he dawdles on the ball too much.
  21. At least he can run. Alfie is so unfit we can't play passes to him to get behind or chase.
  22. Are they "better coached"? I would simply say they have more effective players in particular positions. If you put Kyogo and Jota in our side (in place of Morelos and Kent) we win the game IMO.
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