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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Their subs did FA. The game was won and a clean sheet was important psychologically IMO.
  2. That's interesting. I'm going to catch the game tomorrow to see how it unfolds 👍
  3. I also thought that was good game management. The game was won and Celtic couldn't create anything due to our shape.
  4. I also thought that was good game management. The game was won and Celtic couldn't create anything due to our shape.
  5. I note with the interest that TAA has shifted positions for Liverpool. A player that is lauded for his offensive play but often criticised for his defending. Has anyone seen any games in this new position?
  6. Nope. He's far too ponderous on the ball. This results in losing possession and momentum when attacking. He's undoubtedly skillful but it's time to forget Tillman IMO. Especially at the price being talked about.
  7. We played with a defence that had 3 players who haven't totalled 10 league starts between them this season. With that in mind, they did well and ended up with a clean sheet. Our first against them this season I may add.
  8. As much as we need a new goalkeeper, I think the negative impact of MacGregor playing this season has been somewhat overstated. Apart from the odd lapse Alan MacGregor has been a safe pair of hands. The reason we have failed in the league has been due to our calamitous defending, poor finishing and horrible injury list. McCrorie is 25/26 and the perfect replacement for Alan but once again, next season will not be make or break based on our goalkeeper. It will come down to consistency, more clinical finishing and making sure we cut out the silly mistakes. Yesterday will give the players a boost going into the summer and hopefully will be the psychological springboard needed to ensure that we are right up for it come the first OF game of the season (at home). IMO from the 5 OF games Beale has contested, Celtic were the better team only in the LC final. All the others have been even or we have been the better team so this narrative about there being a huge gap is nonsense. Ange goes on about never stopping. According to the Tims I spoke to yesterday at my sons morning football they stopped weeks ago. I wonder what they'll be saying this morning?
  9. Amazing pic but only highlights how much we need Castore to deliver next season with a strip that befits our club. This seasons strip is cheap and amateurish IMO.
  10. Could he move forward? After all, 99% of the positive contributions he makes are in the opposing half.
  11. Happy for Ridvan. Its undoubtedly been a hard season for him. New surroundings, injuries, change of management, under performing team. He definitely has something about him.
  12. Is he? Apart from the Braga game, I cannot think of another game that he has had a significant impact. He's decent on the ball but flatters to deceive IMO.
  13. If we can get decent money for him, let him go. A talented player but definitely one that seemed to improve to match changing status during his year out injured. He's been OK for us. Nowhere near the levels some people had him at.
  14. I know we played on the counter a lot but the BBC has Celtic down as 68% possession?
  15. Great performance. Managed to take our chances when they arrived and cut out the silly mistakes. Let's be honest, the last 4 OF have been close and this massive gap is a piece of piss. If we can get some faces in and a good pre season underway our belts we will be there or there abouts. The first OF game us at Ibrox. That's when we lay down a marker and put pressure on them.
  16. Still waiting for the Welsh flag or god forbid the flag of Scotland.
  17. The one down the middle was like a pass back.
  18. Naive decision making, silly errors and awful finishing. It was like watching the first team.
  19. Obviously watching the 1st team. Needless mistakes leading directly to goals. 3-0
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