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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Not sure it's that simple. IMO the spanking we took in Europe this season hugely impacted our domestic season. We went from a team that were competing in a UEFA final to a team that looked miles off the pace in the space of 3/4 months.
  2. How important is that? Our rivals have just won 2 league titles on the bounce with a squad comprising of Japanese, Greek, American, Israeli and Swedish players who probably didn't understand much about the club. If they are good enough, they'll win things. It's that simple IMO.
  3. We knew this much before the game. This point was only reinforced once again tonight. Oh for a Negri or a Mols...
  4. Biggest takeaway from tonight and the last few weeks is that we have done some good business in the transfer market with Cantwell and Raskin. For me, they are the first signings that have had an impact on the first XI in ages.
  5. Can't believe people are seriously getting agitated by tonight's score. The game was like a testimonial.
  6. We need a strong squad not just a desired optimum starting XI. Lawrence may not always start in that set up but he has shown he can make a huge contribution.
  7. On the goalie front, I noticed Hennessey was on the bench for Forest yesterday. What age is he? 34ish? Always thought ge was half decent (for Wales at least..).
  8. Another weekend and another bag of positives. With the right additions in the summer, I feel we are going to progress under Beale. Imagine we had a Kyiogo in our team? We would genuinely destroy teams.
  9. Not sure about this. Would rather keep McCrorie as No.1, buy a cheaper option for no.2 and then the funds went to other areas of the pitch. Just hope we don't end up with a Barkas situation.
  10. He beat many players last night. It was his final ball that let him down.
  11. Bit off topic but I've seen some misleading headlines but this takes the biscuit... https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/sport/23524238.giovanni-van-bronckhorst-lifts-dutch-title-first-job-rangers/
  12. I know but if we had a striker playing today that was effectively 1 goal in 3.5 games, we would be asking questions.
  13. So what are the updates.. ? According to Heart and Hand and Rangers Review journalists, Powell and Stirling are done deals. Anything else to report/speculate over...?
  14. God, that's a poor return for Novo tbh.
  15. Only as a squad player. Not first pick.
  16. Palma on the bench today. Possibly protecting their asset? I also noticed Andre Grey plays up top for Aris.
  17. A few confirmed signings and maybe a preview of next seasons strip to take us into the summer...
  18. I get that but they had to improve their squad after 55 so there was no great surprise they have moved forward. There is still no no guarantee that any new players coming in will suddenly improve them from the positionthey are in now. The same applies to us obviously.
  19. How do we know they will improve? Most of their fringe players looked bang average yesterday and most were Ange signings. Its not a given that they will improve on what they have got.
  20. Our subs didn't need to do anything dramatic apart from maintain our shape. I also don't get the point of stating the obvious about squads. They've deservedly won the league. What it may suggest is that their squad is not as strong as they and others would like us to believe. MB did a number on Ange yesterday. Enjoy it.
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