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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. It's funny but he looks more like a Doctor or a tennis player than a footballer. A Dutch no.14?... I can't quite remember where I've seen that before...
  2. I will be bitterly disappointed if this player reveal does not somehow involved a ukulele, trumpet or slide guitar...
  3. Can this be classified as porn? Beautiful promo roll. Bravo.
  4. His recent nomadic career coupled with low numbers are a wee bit worrying but I have faith in Beale. I just hope we can be the club to get the best out of him?
  5. This just popped up on my feed and thought it was worth posting. Alfie had a lot a critics in Scotland but you can't fault the guy for what he's given back in Colombia. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs7uJyNrkzn/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  6. He certainly ticks all the boxes. Left sided, can play in a 3 or lb. Fast, athletic. Looks like bye bye Barasic and Davies if this happens.
  7. There is nothing organic about how Real Madrid have operated to ensure their top table status. Let's not forget their rather dubious property deal in 2003/4 which cleared nearly 200 million of debt and bankrolled the Galacticos. The ghost of Franco in the room when all deals were signed.
  8. I get the money argument (to a point...) but 8 EPL teams spent more than Man City this season and won nothing. Regardless of how much you spend, you still need a real manager to harness a teams talents. Look at Chelsea this season.
  9. Most interesting thing from my/our POV is they way both teams have deployed a back 3. I wonder if Beale is taking notes...
  10. City fans looking at phones after their team has scored. The footage of fans when they actually scored equally pathetic. Fake club. Pathetic fans.
  11. Is an out and out striker who will score 25 plus goals going to fit into Beales plan? Last season we scored more goals than we did during the 55 season so we must be doing something right (despite misfiring in so many games). I think if we add another 10/15 goals and cut out the catastrophic mistakes at the back we won't be far away. That's why I trust Beale when it comes to getting the right players for HIS team. For example, in the right team, Colak would score 25 plus but we are not that team. I see us having a glut of players next season who will score 10 goals plus as opposed to one striker who will bang in 30 goals.
  12. P*ss off Cammy. Don't you rain on my kit meltdown parade!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Apologies for over thinking the strip thing but I'm a strip nerd. I just wish our strips looked a wee bit more professional than the generic fare we get given.
  13. Was hoping better than this seasons poor effort but based on that pic, Castore have lowered the bar further.
  14. The strip on the sneak preview has a completely different jacquard design from the leaked pic. Maybe the leaked one is hopefully fake as that looks cheap as hell.
  15. Good luck seeing any new Rangers jerseys. Not a peep from Castore.
  16. You wouldn't be caring if he's one of them if he fires Rangers to the title.
  17. I think things look positive. I can at least see what Beale is trying to do by what's happening on the pitch, who he has already signed and who we are being linked with. Beale obviously likes a flexible "hybrid" type player. I think Beale has gained 59 pts from a possible 69 since arriving. That's not bad for a manager coming in mid season. If we can iron out those bumps we won't be far away next season IMO.
  18. Agree about the goals against column. That's where the major difference lies.
  19. It's incredulous to think that if we score 3 or more goals today we surpass our goal tally from title win 55 and even surpass Ange Ball's wonder team from last season. In a season littered with misses chances and lack of cutting edge, that is hard to fathom.
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