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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Think Lawrence might be in for his shooting which would mean Dessers, Wright and Silva need to be on their toes for potential rebounds. Just been for a run and the wind is wild. Shooting in this weather could cause havoc IMO.
  2. If we play with the same tempo displayed in the recent Hearts and Ross County matches, we won't be far away. Ridvan and whoever starts on the left will be key to that IMO. We also need to be on it at the back or they will punish us.
  3. Looking at the weather forecast for tomorrow, we should expect 50 miles an hour winds around kick off. Not great.
  4. IMO, if we win this game, we will win the League title. A win puts us in the position to go 5 points clear prior to the split and leaves them with zero margin for error in all games. They haven't had that pressure as a team.
  5. Slightly surprised by some of the reaction to our performance today. With 8 games to go in a neck and neck title race, points are the primary target and performances are secondary. I get the impression that some fans are constantly looking through a prism of expected perfection. We've just come off an international break and we are getting players back from injury. If we play as "bad" as this and win every game 3-1, I'm not going to complain. The pressure is back on them IMO. First game back on a notoriously crappy pitch against a team fighting for lives. Good luck with that.
  6. Was it for a foul then? About as clear as mud from the officials unsurprisingly.
  7. Considering it was off the back of an international break, I thought we did well. 3 points were all that mattered and we got minutes in the legs for some players. Barasic is a worry for me. His indecisiveness helped Hibs start an attack which lead to their goal.
  8. I think it has something to do with who is encroaching? Attacker or defender. Looks like the Hibs players are encroaching?
  9. How is this encroachment? This screen shot is actually taken after Tav hits the ball.
  10. Not really sure what he learns from playing Dykes and Adams before Shankland. We know what they can do (and can't do). Surely it would be prudent to get Shankland up to speed in as many games as possible.
  11. He wasn't great tbh but that could be said of all of them.
  12. Sterling for me. He never let's us down. Borna checked out months ago IMO.
  13. Unless Yilmaz is injured or suspended, I wouldn't have Barasic anywhere near my starting XI for the rest of the season. He just doesn't have the stomach for the fight IMO.
  14. Even more context. They are currently above Porto in the league who looked decent V Arsenal the other night.
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