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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Agreed. It was just an observation. He just didn't look himself today. Maybe getting used to new faces I guess.
  2. Not saying its his fault Cammy. I'm a big Tav fan. Just thought he was quite poor and looked unsure on many occasions.
  3. Not sure what to think after watching that. One of the biggest take aways for me (amongst many), was how poor our captain was. Don't want to single anyone out but we should look to him for leadership. Couldn't get my head around him running 60 yards across the pitch to take the ball of Lundstram for a throw in. Lundstram could have used a quick throw but Tav had to come across and take it. Anyways, I'm going to get pissed.
  4. Here's the bizarrest fact you'll hear on here today. In my younger years, I once modeled as Richard Hannay for an illustrated version of the 39 Steps. Still got a copy in the loft somewhere.
  5. Regardless of personel, our away games V Kilmarnock are basically carbon copies of the previous game against them at Rugby Park. That surface should be outlawed. Need more width from FBs in my opinion. We are far too narrow against a bank of 6 defenders.
  6. Why are we playing so many long passes. I get that the pitch is sh*t but come on.
  7. Bloody buzzing. It's amazing how football mixed with the promise of hope can turn a grown man into a child on Christmas Eve. Cmon Rangers. Let's do this!!!
  8. There's a player there. We just need to rekindle it. Hopefully a goal or assist today will do that.
  9. Either way Rousseau, one things for sure, we have options for the first time in ages. Our bench is very strong. Really hope Sima plays well today as he looks like he his touch is out and confidence is low.
  10. People have short memories. Lundstram was excellent in the 2nd half of last season IMO and had many stand out games.
  11. I didn't know that. Missed all the games. I would rather it was Lundstram drop in and Raskin pushing on.
  12. I see this as the opposite. We want the FBs providing width and Lundstram is the safety net for the CBs.
  13. I said it earlier in the week. I can see this moving to a 3-5-2 with Lundstram sitting in with Goldson and Souttar. Much like he did under Gio in Europe. Barasic and Tav pushing on and providing width. ---Goldson------Souttar--- ----------Lundstram------- Tav-----------------Barasic -----Raskin------Dowell---- ----------Lammars--------- ---Sima----------Dessers-- If that is the case we will have the huge bulk of the ball IMO.
  14. Let's not be dramatic. He's literally just turned 20. We should use any potential loan agreements wisely and patiently if we truly believe in this boy. Harry Kane anyone...? Incidentally. I presume he won't be playing against us during this arrangement?
  15. Good point. Totally forgot about that.
  16. Surprised that Lawrence didn't make it but I presume we have to ensure the Scottish quota is fulfilled.
  17. I wonder which of our new strips we will wear on Saturday? Our blue and white strips are probably too much of a clash and our stripey number will also clash with their stripes. Maybe all white? Thought that looked very swish against Hoffenheim.
  18. Thanks yuddie. I'm sure he will. I was just wondering about overall feedback for the place as I haven't seen that much.
  19. Just a follow up on this. Has anyone had the chance to visit? My old man has had a wee health scare lately so I was going to book us tickets to give him a pick-me-up. Any thoughts on this would be welcome. Cheers in advance.
  20. I think we have to factor in the dreadful plastic mess we have to play on. It would be foolish to rush him back too early and regret it.
  21. I know but I only put him in there as part of a back 3.
  22. I'm a new world wine guy tbh. 19 Crimes is beautiful. Very easy to drink. Dangerously too easy to be honest 🤣🤣🤣
  23. Could we go with... -------------Butland---------- Souttar--Lundstram--Balogun Tav--------------------Ridvan ------Raskin---Cantwell------- -----------Lammars----------- -----Dessers-----Danilo------
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